Diary of a Metal Mommy

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Forgetful 40--Bah!

Once again, idiot 40-year-old me forgets my camera at the most inopportune moment. Vivian had her commercial photo shoot yesterday and I would have loved to capture the fun on my own film (or, memory card!!) but alas, I left it at home. Bah! Of course I couldn't reveal to you any hints about what this is for since it's all still so secretive at this point....but the behind-the -scenes shots wouldn't have given anything away. I did get this photo of Viv when we got home, basically this is exactly what she looked like in the photos....just my Vivian! :-) No make-up, just lookin' like the 10 year old girl that she is. That's a good thing.

I have to say, being there yesterday was just a blast. Everyone working on this project is so nice and fun to be around. Being involved in that sort of production is totally something I could see myself doing, I just felt like I was in my element there. With a smidgen of film experience, band/theater experience and just overall creative energy I wonder if it's something I could get myself into?? It's definitely a thought....and thinking I continue to do, as I try to come up with what I will do when I grow up. Being an at-home Metal Mommy has been the best job in the world I could ever do and I wouldn't have it any other way whilst the kids are young...but the quest for the perfect Me Job is always in the back of my mind, for when Sullivan hits school full-time next year. Of course I want the dream job that all stay-at-home Mommies want when they return to the work force...something fun, (and for me, creative!) challenging, feeling like you're making a difference, and done by 4:00 when the kids get home from school. sigh. It's a tall order.

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