I did the quintessential Good Parent Thing yesterday and went into Sullivan's school to help out with their 'Thanksgiving Feast.' Is there anything cuter than a bunch of Kindergartners in homemade pilgrim hats?! At Vivian and Sullivan's preschool they did the pilgrim AND the Native American thing, but I guess public school is just too PC for that. Too PC for Native American headdress, but apparently not PC enough to tell the children about how we really stole the poor Indians' land.

Here's our Thankful Tree. One of the crafty things that really makes me feel like a Good Parent. I bought a pot, craft foam and that grassy stuff at Michaels and then hunted around the yard for the perfect branches. You then cut up leaf shapes out of different fall colored paper and have the kids write (or they tell you and you write) what they are thankful for on them. Then you punch holes in them, tie strings through the holes, and hang them on the tree. Oh, and I also spruced it up a bit with some glittery twiggy-type things. The tree's gotta bling!! It's a good thing I'm secure and know that my son really loves me, because he mentioned food, his cousins, even his furniture...but not mom and dad. It wasn't until big sister smugly wrote down 'my family' on a leaf that Sullivan decided he should have that, too. :-) I guess I'll let it go....this year...;-)
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