Bah Humbug Already?!
Usually, I am the Christmas Queen. I LOVE Christmas. Even before it has a right to be there--like before Halloween--I get excited to see all of the stuff going up on the shelves in the stores. I love the decorations, the preparation, the food, the cookies, the music, the shopping...everything about it. It's the only thing that makes flu season worthwhile. But this year...I don't know. For some reason I was feeling cluttered even as I was pulling the Nutcrackers out of their storage container. What
is up with that?? We have the tree up, it looks beautiful (despite the fact that it is sort of a Charlie Brown tree, being crooked and all...this is what you get when your husband insists on the cheapest tree...!)--and the house is decorated with all of the stuff I love...but yet I already find myself looking forward to the day I can put it all away. I wonder if that has anything to do with 40? When you're 40, you just want to simplify? You've dealt with so much clutter and crap in your life, at 40 you sort of feel like you are ready to cast it all aside and not let it box you in so much anymore? Of course that is a good thing, but it's not so good at Christmas time when your kids want to put every single ornament you have on an already over-stocked tree, or they think you're a fuddy-duddy because this year you'd really rather have just white lights instead of the chaotic feeling multi-colored ones. Kids definitely get used to what they see every
year, and if you change something on them, it's not a good thing. Especially their Christmas. At least they don't mind if I ADD stuff, like the lovely menorah that Stephanie got me as a gift last year. A tree and a menorah! Ham and challah! Yeah. We cover all the bases here.
So anyway, I'll just deal with the clutter, I guess...what else can I do? But seeing the kids' faces light up at the magic is definitely worth it, I have to say. I suppose I'll just concentrate on trying to clean up my own inner clutter instead. Merry Christmas! Or whatever cram-packed holiday it is that you celebrate...

So anyway, I'll just deal with the clutter, I guess...what else can I do? But seeing the kids' faces light up at the magic is definitely worth it, I have to say. I suppose I'll just concentrate on trying to clean up my own inner clutter instead. Merry Christmas! Or whatever cram-packed holiday it is that you celebrate...
Labels: 40, Charlie Brown, Christmas, clutter, menorah
At 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whooh, you already got a Christmas tree?! Will it survive until December 25th with your entusiastic kids?
And won't it be hard for them to nót unpack the presents from Santa?
The tree itself looks pretty nice, only a bit too flashy IMO, but hey, the kids will love it ;-)
We got in the Netherlands first a thing called Sinterklaas (you may Google for it). It's some Dutch/German tradition especially for kids, but we celebrate it with the whole family with candy and presents near December 5th. It's a pleasant time...
At 5:22 PM,
Suz said…
Yup, we always get our tree the day after Thanksgiving--that's out tradition!!! Of course by January I am SO ready to take the thing down.
I'm with ya about the flashy tree--hence the post--but it's all about the kids at this point.
Happy Sinterklass to you!
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