Podcast! Shop! Be Merry!

I did some shopping at the mall this morning. As usual, I'm in an "In Search Of..." mode right now. In Search Of the perfect winter coat, and the perfect foundation. I *think* have found the coat--I mean, is there really such a thing as perfection??--at Eddie Bauer. (I know, how very preppy of me..!) I wanted to replace a blue down coat I've had for years that, no matter how much I wash it, it just looks a bit dirty and shabby. It was a quandry because I wanted my new coat to be casual, yet funky. Down, yet svelte. Look expensive, yet not. I bought one at Land's End--too boxey. Then I went to Burlington Coat Factory--that may have just been a case of just TOO many to choose from. Overwhelming! I had received a coupon in an Eddie Bauer catalog, so that was a good incentive there. Went, tried some on, ended up with this. I love it! Oh, part of me really wanted to get the white one. I'm into white these days, verses the ever-popular black. But I knew me, and knew the moment it got a tiny speck on it--which would be in precisely one minute after putting it on, I'm sure--I'd be irritated. Function won over form this time, I'm afraid. But it's okay. I like.
Then I made my way to the make-up counter. Any woman out there who wears make-up can feel my pain in my search for, as they say on MakeUp Alley, the HG (Holy Grail) of Foundations. Good coverage, but not thick and cakey. Blends, but hides. Looks natural, but not shiny. (at least I don't like the shiny look...some people do) I won't bore you with the sordid details of my cosmetic counter whoring, but the other day I was at Shiseido--nope, too orangy/pinky, too cakey--and today I hit Lancome. I left with one kind on the right side of my face, another on the left. I can't tell them apart! But so far, so good with either of them, I guess. I'm still getting used to the whole liquid foundation thing. Only recently had I even tried it. Another fun thing about 40, your skin starts drying out like a prune....hence needing the liquid now. One thing I did discover that I would totally recommend to anyone using a liquid is that the foundation brush is our friend, no matter what brand you end up with. It sounded totally wacky to me when I first heard about it--basically painting your face with a brush!--but it really does go on smoother and just seems to settle into your face better. (for lack of a better way of describing it) For those who are interested (which may be anyone of the female persuasion who has stayed with me throughout this very girlie post) I recommend the Benefit brush. Good brush, good price at $20.
Now go! Shop! May you all find the Holy Grail of foundations--I'll let you know when I find mine, I'm sure you'll be waiting with bated breath--and the perfect winter coat, if your climate permits. Hey, there have got to be benefits to living in a place with a butt-cold winter.
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Suz!
Yesterday I was listening to part 23 of the podcast from Feminine Hijinx. Well the site said, you'll have a smile on you face, guaranteed. And indeed, I got one -- from ear to ear. It's was hilarious ;-)
I was also busy with other things, so I was not focussed all 56 minutes, but most of it was soo cool.
It's only a pity that I don't know who's who, as I don't know your voices and maybe more importnant, the laughing.
Nevertheless, keep up the funny work you three! I'll try to make some time to listen to some previous ones...
Lots of love,
At 1:06 PM,
Suz said…
First of all, Rob, I'm impressed that you even read this oh-so-girlie post.:-)
Glad you like Feminine Hijinx--we have a lot of fun. I'm the one that started this crazy thing, so I'm the one you always hear at the beginning. And the loudest and most obnoxious laugh...that's me. !
At 1:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Haha, I have probably some strange interest for female things, you know... Also most of my friends at the internet are girls -- though I'm still 20 years single.
Well you definitely have loads of fun. No doubt; and that's what I like the most.
Okay thanks, I'll pay attention to it at the next listening session.
One of you sounds a bit similar to Lori, or it is just me who makes this comparison...
Well take care, and keep posting 'em! You rock!
Huggies Rob.
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