Sweet Dreams Are Not Made of This
UG, I had the creepiest dream last night! Do you ever have dreams where it's like you are watching a movie, but yet you are a part of it? Where you are the character, but it's not really you?? I had one of those last night that was too much like something that would be a real horror movie for my comfort.
I was this young girl, for some reason traveling with a woman who was not my mother, but someone taking care of me. The woman was some sort of investigator or something, and the dream started out with a man driving us to the airport to leave wherever we were to go back home. Somehow I figured out that this man was a bad one and had no intention of taking us to the airport...instead he took us to this hotel/apartment-type place to hold us prisoner. Of course the place left a lot to be desired, and we realized there was no bathroom. (definitely a nightmare!) Eventually we found a key that we figured out was to a bathroom, which was in a separate building. We went in, feeling relief that it was indeed a place to lighten our load and walked down a ramp-type hallway to check it out. We turned a corner where the hallway continued and went down again, but where we thought we'd see a toilet or shower was just a bare wall with a drain in the floor. Something about it totally creeped me out (as the child) and I didn't want to go down there. The woman I was with did go down there and of course in total Nightmare on Elm Street style, there was all of this smokey mist around and the whole place looked like it hadn't been scoured in ages. We didn't know if that's where we were supposed to 'go', or what. But all I wanted to do was get out of
there. She agreed. We turned to leave and I made the mistake of looking back at that area and then saw a creepy zombie-type dead lady slumped back in a chair that had totally appeared out of nowhere, and she said in a whispery, gravely voice, "Wanna play with me?" Aaak! We ran back up to the door to get the heck out of dodge but of course--locked. I kept waiting to hear that slimy dead woman's steps coming up slowly behind me. The caretaker woman tried the door again, and this time it opened. We were both extremely relieved to get out of there, and I said, "Whew, I thought for sure we were meant to go down there and get locked in..." At that moment somehow I knew that the next time we had to go in there...which of course, we eventually would have to go potty!...we wouldn't get out. That's when I woke up.
How about that, Stephen King?! I swear I should send that in somewhere and have them make a movie about it. I could write a screenplay about it myself, of course, but horror is NOT my genre. Aren't dreams funny though? That whole dream probably came about just because I had a full bladder and had to go pee--I mean, the whole thing was about bathroom anxiety. I should look it up in my dream book...I do have one, but it's older than the hills. It's sort of irritating to try to get answers from it, too, as the way you are supposed to look things up is just to locate a 'word' that basically describes your dream. Often you can't sum it up in a single word, and more often than not the word I'm looking for doesn't exist. Why
couldn't my brain just make things easy and have me dream about Orlando or something?! Much more pleasant, and that takes no explanation.
Whew, it's a lot to ponder at 8:30 in the morning. I need more coffee. I don't get any down time today, either, as a 'late-start' school day means just that for Vivian, and no school at all for Sullivan. No time to ponder when you have a child tugging at you to go play Scooby Doo. It's time to solve another mystery...but this is good, I can get that creepy dream out of my head!
I was this young girl, for some reason traveling with a woman who was not my mother, but someone taking care of me. The woman was some sort of investigator or something, and the dream started out with a man driving us to the airport to leave wherever we were to go back home. Somehow I figured out that this man was a bad one and had no intention of taking us to the airport...instead he took us to this hotel/apartment-type place to hold us prisoner. Of course the place left a lot to be desired, and we realized there was no bathroom. (definitely a nightmare!) Eventually we found a key that we figured out was to a bathroom, which was in a separate building. We went in, feeling relief that it was indeed a place to lighten our load and walked down a ramp-type hallway to check it out. We turned a corner where the hallway continued and went down again, but where we thought we'd see a toilet or shower was just a bare wall with a drain in the floor. Something about it totally creeped me out (as the child) and I didn't want to go down there. The woman I was with did go down there and of course in total Nightmare on Elm Street style, there was all of this smokey mist around and the whole place looked like it hadn't been scoured in ages. We didn't know if that's where we were supposed to 'go', or what. But all I wanted to do was get out of

How about that, Stephen King?! I swear I should send that in somewhere and have them make a movie about it. I could write a screenplay about it myself, of course, but horror is NOT my genre. Aren't dreams funny though? That whole dream probably came about just because I had a full bladder and had to go pee--I mean, the whole thing was about bathroom anxiety. I should look it up in my dream book...I do have one, but it's older than the hills. It's sort of irritating to try to get answers from it, too, as the way you are supposed to look things up is just to locate a 'word' that basically describes your dream. Often you can't sum it up in a single word, and more often than not the word I'm looking for doesn't exist. Why

Whew, it's a lot to ponder at 8:30 in the morning. I need more coffee. I don't get any down time today, either, as a 'late-start' school day means just that for Vivian, and no school at all for Sullivan. No time to ponder when you have a child tugging at you to go play Scooby Doo. It's time to solve another mystery...but this is good, I can get that creepy dream out of my head!
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