So this morning I had this total "Sex and the City" moment. There I am, waiting in line to check in for my appointment at my urologist's office, and I run into an old boyfriend. Of all the places!! It was hilarious. I guess it wasn't completely like a 'Sex' episode, as he is a current friend of mine and it wasn't awkwardly sexual by any means--I guess just a bit awkward for the fact that we shared the underlying knowledge that anyone visiting a urologist is dealing with some sort of issue that's south of the

border. Me, two different episodes of kidney stones in the past (not nearly as fun as a Sex in the City episode, let me tell you) and he, a vasectomy. (that's probably not a barrel of laughs, either...) I will keep his name anonymous, as I'm sure he appreciates. But I sure giggled about that one for quite a few minutes in the waiting room.
Hey, check it out: catching up on my Warbride forum, I noticed someone posted that we're listed on this
"Women Who Rock" site. Nice! Who knew women with stones could rock?! I guess it does kind of make sense....
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