Plenty o' Excitement!

13 years ago today I said "I do." 13 years ago today I woke up, went down to Curl Up and Dye and had Emily do my hair! Some things never change! Cory and I got married in a chapel in Bloomington. We kept it small and simple, and had our families around us. The reception was at his photo studio, at his friend's studio as well. Even Elvis attended our wedding. (well, at least a hired impersonator did. We made sure to request the fat Elvis, and he was a hoot!) I remember thinking that whole day (and night!) was so much fun that our lives together was sure to be. And it has been! Who else would put up with me?! Happy Anniversary, sweetie!
Whew, what a weekend. And what a week! So many exciting things are going on, it's incredible.
The goils and I had soooo much fun on our slumber party--as you can well imagine. We actually kept things pretty much in check...except for maybe a little dirty dancin' between Kim and I. Stephanie made the most incredible meal EVER, and we had

Sunday we did our drive up to Saint Cloud to see Sullivan's billboard. When he first spotted it, he had the biggest smile on his face! Pretty cute. On the way back we stopped at the Albertville Outlet Mall, yeah! Did a little shopping whilst the C-man stayed in the car. Thanks for stopping, dear. :-)

Another exciting thing that happened this weekend....we got another photo of our little Digby boy!!!!! He still has those little Harry Potter glasses, I can not even stand it. 3 more weeks! Woo hooooooo!

This week will also be busy, and this weekend will bring my sister Barb and her husband Ray from Mississippi! They are coming up here to buy a car and so of course will stay here for a couple of days before making the long drive back. I can't wait!
At 2:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Suz,
Congrats to you and your husband ;-)
I have to say, the 2nd photo is sooo funny and the 3th one is very cute... Amazing!
At 2:26 PM,
Suz said…
Hey, thanks Rob!!! On all accounts!
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