Mammograms and Mousse

40 indeed. Today I had my very first mammogram. Badda Bing, Badda Boom--didn't waste much time there, did I? I have to say, for those of you who are reading this and have never had one before (or those of you--namely MEN-- who may actually still be reading this after seeing the word 'mammogram'...!) I have to say it's one of the weirdest experiences of a woman's life. I made my way through the winding corridors that is Abbott Northwestern Hospital to the Breast Institute. Well, a person has to feel like they are in pretty good hands (doh! a pun!) in a place with that name. They gave me a robe and had me undress form the waist up. Then I was actually offered something to drink--I saw empty porcelian tea cups and saucers around. I guess they want you to feel pretty pampered before they grab your boobs like a coupla side's o' beef and shove them into the machine. That's exactly what happens. You stand in front of this machine and they have you grab on to a bar. Whether you are holding this bar to have something to squeeze or whether it's just to position you just right, I have yet to know. (maybe a bit of both?!) Then a woman literally takes one of your boobs and pushes and prods, kneads and tugs, until it is in the exact position it needs to be between these two movable plastic shelf-like things. Then the shelves start to close. And they get closer, and closer. And just when you think they couldn't POSSIBLY squeeze you any harder, hummmmmm goes the machine as they indeed go in a bit more for the kill. Then you have to hold your breath as they snap their picture. What relief it is to have the machine loosen up and set that baby free! Then of course, you are on to the other breast. The tech took 4 photos in all, from two different positions. That woman could have been a circus entertainer, from the way she was juggling my boobs. Craziness. Then it was like, "Okay! You're done! Goodbye!" I wondered if maybe we should have had a cigarette together. Now comes the fun of waiting to hear the news. It's not like I'm really worried, but I suppose any test like that leaves a nagging feeling in the back of ones mind, that 'what if' question. Well, the tech's name was "Lucky", so maybe that's a good omen?!
On a lighter note, Cory and I finally used our gift card we had at Salut Restaurant last night. Our friends Dawn and Mark had Cory take photos of their daughters, and paid him via this generous gift. We had never been there before, and I have to say, it was excellent! I didn't get anything overly fancy, I just wasn't in the mood. But the steak sandwich I had was superb, and even better were the fries. OMG-- light, crispy, salty heaven. I ate WAY too many, I couldn't stop! Because of the fries I was too full for dessert, but I had a decaf latte--what fun, it came in his handle-less bowl with sugar cubes a lovely baby chocolate croissant on the side. The service was great--we got our food quickly and at one point the server even brought a little taste of a 'compliments-of-the-chef' something that she called an 'excitement for the mouth'...I had to keep myself from a throw-back laugh at that one. It was mini a wooden spatula covered with a bite-size amount of salmon mousse covered with some sort of cous-cous mixture. OMG, I could have eaten a whole plate of it. Even the french bread and butter were amazing. I would DEFINITELY go there again!!!!!!! I felt pretty spunky, too, because as far as I know even my foodie friend Stephanie hadn't been there before. :-) You'll have to go, Steph, and tell me what you think!
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