The Not-So-Metal Cute Entry
All together now, "awwwwww!" This is the Cute Entry. I've just been surrounded by cuteness lately, and in one particular case, I'm hoping to be soon.
Yesterday we went to the Minnesota Zoo. Lot's of cuteness there. My favorite giraffes were there, adorable. Didn't get a pic of them, though. I found out later that I could have fed them--I guess you can buy (of course!) some sort of food and they will take it right out of your hand!!!! I didn't see that available when we were there, I would have been all over that. What's funny is that I remember doing that very thing as a kid, and it might have even been at that very zoo when I was about Vivian's age, bringing my brother John to MCAD. (Minneapolis College of Art and Design) Sullivan and I went into the butterfly garden. He and I just love butterflies. Vivian, on the other hand, is a little freaked out by the fact that they may land on her and tickle, so she sat outside and waited for us to come out.
I found these two butterflies that looked like they were kissing! Awwww, cute!!!
Stephanie had a hawk on her deck, and I have little birdie eggs in our hanging flower basket! We've been noticing birds flying in and out of those flowers, and Kim made a comment that maybe they were making a nest. Sure enough, we took a peek and noticed the nest filled with eggs! Cory was so sweet, worried about the fact that we've been dousing them with water whenever we turn the house on the flowers. So now we gently take it down and water along the side. Gotta love my husband for being so caring about the little birdies. Awwww, cute!!!
This is the cuteness that I'm hoping to be surrounded with eventually. A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. (say that 10 times fast) It's funny, I've never been much of a dog person, more of a cat person. A couple of years ago I saw one of these Cavalier pups on the lap of a mom watching my karate class and I fell in love. It was so adorable, just sitting there quiet as can be, wagging it's little tail at anyone passing by. I came home and told Cory that if we ever got a dog, that's what I wanted. So lately I've had the Puppy Fever. And in true Suz style, I have happened to pick one of the most expensive puppies you could buy. I talked to one breeder who gave me a price of Two Thousand Dollars. Gulp! Damn, even with dogs I have expensive taste. The problem is though, I fell in such love with that little thing, I will have nothing less. But we also have to find out more info about Vivian's allergies. We had to get rid of a great cat about 2 weeks after we got her because Vivian just swelled up with hives. The poor thing came down the stairs one day, holding Phoebe and looking like Quasimodo. Quite scary. We had her tested and sure enough-- allergic to cats, dogs and guinea pigs. But the dog allergy seems to be not as intense, so I need to find out more information about this before we go any further with this puppy idea. Don't ask me why I'm so gun-ho on this right now. This sort of pang comes and goes with me--but it hasn't gone away yet. I wonder if it's a baby thing?? Sullivan is at the age that Vivian was when I had him...but I know I don't want a baby! So, we shall see. At first Cory was like, No. But I think I may be whittling him down, bit by bit. heh heh. Awwww, cute!!!!
So there it is. I hope I made your day with the plethora of cuteness that I've displayed and talked about on my blog. Not so metal, but hey. Even Ozzy Ozbourne has a soft side.
Yesterday we went to the Minnesota Zoo. Lot's of cuteness there. My favorite giraffes were there, adorable. Didn't get a pic of them, though. I found out later that I could have fed them--I guess you can buy (of course!) some sort of food and they will take it right out of your hand!!!! I didn't see that available when we were there, I would have been all over that. What's funny is that I remember doing that very thing as a kid, and it might have even been at that very zoo when I was about Vivian's age, bringing my brother John to MCAD. (Minneapolis College of Art and Design) Sullivan and I went into the butterfly garden. He and I just love butterflies. Vivian, on the other hand, is a little freaked out by the fact that they may land on her and tickle, so she sat outside and waited for us to come out.

Stephanie had a hawk on her deck, and I have little birdie eggs in our hanging flower basket! We've been noticing birds flying in and out of those flowers, and Kim made a comment that maybe they were making a nest. Sure enough, we took a peek and noticed the nest filled with eggs! Cory was so sweet, worried about the fact that we've been dousing them with water whenever we turn the house on the flowers. So now we gently take it down and water along the side. Gotta love my husband for being so caring about the little birdies. Awwww, cute!!!

So there it is. I hope I made your day with the plethora of cuteness that I've displayed and talked about on my blog. Not so metal, but hey. Even Ozzy Ozbourne has a soft side.
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