Weekend Skills

Ahh, the weekend. Kicked off by a Friday night gourmet dinner party at Bruggeman's. As I've mentioned before, dinner with this crew is always fun. We try to meet monthly, but sometimes getting the schedules of 4 couples to jive makes that impossible. A couple more years, and the Coreman and I won't need a babysitter anymore! Vivian will be able to be here alone, and watch Sullivan. Now THAT will be nice. As it is, we couldn't find a sitter last night so Cory brought them separately and then had to leave early. I made a cheese fondue, it turned out pretty amazing. Lucky for me Dawn just happened to have some extra Gruyere in her fridge--who just eats that stinky cheese on a daily basis? That is some seriously stinky cheese!--because for whatever reason, I seemed to have too much wine and not enough cheese in the mix. With the addition of the extra, though, it turned out perfect, and all was not lost! MMM! I'm starting to sound like my friend Stephanie, talking about food...of course her description would be much more poetic and gourmand--she probably doesn't call cheese 'stinky'. She'd probably say it has a piquant pungent aroma, or something like that. What do you say, Steph?!
Saturday morning started with me being awoken by Sullivan at 7:00, as usual. Oh, to be able to sleep in on a Saturday morning again, like old times. Hopefully as Sullivan gets older he'll sleep in longer. It's hard to believe there was a time where Vivian woke up at 5:00 AM--now I can't get her out of bed! I donned my workout attire and left for Kim's house by 9:00--she wanted to try out the club so I figured, hey, I'll go into trainer mode and get her going on a workout! That Kim is a bad influence, I tell ya. She already had me breaking the law so early in the morn--as I checked in I reported to the lady at the desk that I had a guest with me, and she told us to go to yet another desk to make it all official. Well, the line was long, and we waited for a couple of minutes. Then Kim gets that sneaky gleam in her eye and says, "C'mon, let's just go in!" At first I didn't even know what she was talking about, surely she didn't want to just...go in...without...telling anyone?! The Good Girl in me was having a hard time with the thought. But lo and behold, the Rocker Chick took over and we just marched on in, no one the wiser. Kim thinks Stephanie and I are good for her because we take her out of her comfort level...well, Kim brings out the Bad Girl in me! I tell you, sneaking into a club, that is B. A. D. And I'm a bad, bad girl.
So we had a pretty good workout, I was crackin' the whip. I must have been pretty successful, because I do believe at one point on the floor Kim called me the Exercise Bitch. Nice! There is something satisfying about seeing your friends sweat under your command. Mwah ah ah ah ahhh! Both needing iPod motivation on our Elipse machines, I realized while we were huffing and puffing away on those that it's probably the longest time that Kim and I have spent together without talking. Well, except of course for the time we went to the latest Harry Potter movie with Stephanie, and all of the kids. The only spoken words then were when Kim was explaining the Lowry's seasoning salt she had pulled out of her purse and was proceeding to spice up her popcorn with, or us 3 moms commenting on the brash inappropriateness of the bathtub scene that involved Harry and Moaning Myrtle.
I have no clue what the rest of Saturday will bring, but I'm gearing up for my big puppet show tomorrow during Sunday School at choich. It will be the debut of "The Builder and the Worrier", a script based on that fresh and titillating story of Noah and the Ark. I mean, no one's heard THAT one before. ! This story is supposed to be told by Noah's wife, who totally sounds like a Jewish mother. "I worried!" So, I'm going with that. At one point there is supposed to be food props, showing them putting the food on the ark--and of course they had to have SPAM. Noah will be played by none other than Elvis Presley himself--or at least, the Barbie version of Elvis. (see above photo!) I had fun getting him all duded up in the costume of the day, complete with white beard and hair made out of a make-up remover cotton pad. What was really great about that, was that Char--my puppet partner in crime--thought I used a mini-pad. Even better, now why didn't I think of that?! I love Noah's new look complete with black leather boots. Very hip, very now. The kids may not get this humor I am attempting, but I have to do it for my own sanity. It's the only way I can get through Noah and the Ark, or any of those bible stories if you want to know the truth. Life's too short to be serious about things like morals and values and the way you are supposed to live your life. So I figure now I can put 'puppeteer' on a resume, if I ever get back into the work world. Now that's a skill. As Napoleon would say, you gotta have skills! I think Napoleon would be impressed...fondue maker, personal trainer, and puppeteer all in one weekend.
At 10:45 AM,
Stephanie said…
Hey, I think cheese is just stinky sometimes! But LOVE it that way...hee, hee... Your fondue sounds amazing. Hard to beat boozy cheese and bread, yum.
Mini-pad! That would have been PRICELESS. Although the way he looks is just perfect. Elvis Moses. You're probably mid-performance right now, hope it's going well!
Fondue maker, personal trainer, and puppeteer all in one weekend is mighty impressive! And in the same week as the debut of the Warbride snippets no less! Not to mention the jewelry-making. You're AMAZING!
At 1:54 PM,
Cuz said…
You go girl! I hope the puppet show was sucess! If you had not told me it was a cotton makeup remover, I would have said a mini-pad, too. What a conversation piece that would have been.
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