Diary of a Metal Mommy

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I had my doubts at first, but Tuesday ended up being a very nice day. Any day you aren't dealing with barf is a good day, in my book. The night before Vivian was saying she wasn't feeling well...to the point where she was in her usual sick bay (on the couch, in front of that ever-distracting brain-drainer, the TV) crying and moaning with a wastebasket nearby. If anyone knows me, they know I don't do well with vomit. I mean, most people (I would assume!) think puking is pretty gross, that's no surprise. But the sight and/or sound and/or smell will literally send me running in the other direction--even if it's my very own beloved child doing it. I'd say it's a bonafide phobia. I hate having that phobia. I mean, let's face it--we all have to deal with it now and then, there's no getting away from it. Maybe that's why it bugs me so much. (well, besides the fact that everything about it is, like, totally gross!) It's very much an out-of-control sort of thing. I'm the first to admit I like to be IN CONTROL. I don't exactly do well with that 'Let Go, Let God' thing. Heck, I'm still trying to figure the latter part of THAT out. But anyway, for whatever reason, it was all a false alarm. I let Vivian stay home from school yesterday, (I know, I'm such a sucker...but I still have bitter feelings about the time I was forced to go to school feeling icky and ended up barfing all over the teachers shoes!) and this morning she's bouncing off the walls. Wonder what that was all about?!

But enough on that subject! (hope you weren't eating!) To cap off a wonderfully normal day, that evening I got to go out for coffee with my friend Lisa. Like Darcie, who I accosted on the sidewalk in front of her house whilst on a walk with Sullivan some 4 years ago and then stalked until she agreed to play with us, Lisa I coerced into conversation at the park, where we were both at with our little guys. You know how some people are just approachable, and you know you are going to like them right away? Lisa's one of those. So a conversation turned into an email, and the email turned into a play date for the boys, and then Lisa was stuck with me. Last night was the first time we actually managed to get together without the kids--woo hoo! A span of uninterrupted chat-time! Once again I am reminded of just how lucky I am to have great friends in my life. I learned the hard way that friendships are NOT something you can control--it's pretty surprising when a friend you've had for 7 years suddenly announces out of the clear blue sky that her spirit guides have told her that you need to take time apart from each other because you are 'keeping yourselves from your true potentials'. huh?! You think someone is going to be there as you grow old to share your complaints about hemorroids and gassy husbands over coffee, but, not necessarily. They could be taken over by aliens. Or spirit guides. So I am truly grateful for the friends that I have and I hope never to take advantage of the advantage I have of having dear friends. (and if you follwed me on that one, you are a dear friend indeed!)

So, onward to Wednesday--being thankful for friends who keep it real, and no barf!


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