Puppets and Podcasts
Another Sunday, another puppet show. It went well again, despite the rowdy bunch of 1st graders that we had. Whew! Other than that, a pretty laid-back day. Vivian, on the other hand, was out of control. Yesterday she spent the night at a friend's house and when Cory went to pick her up, the mother informed him that the girls went to sleep around 5:30 AM. !! Then today she had a birthday party at the bead store, which ended with lunch at the Dairy Queen next door. That girl has more of a social life than I do! Amazingly enough, she is not a zombie today. She's going to bed early, though, because this sort of thing catches up to her.
I spent some of the day working on the theme song to my upcoming Podcast. Or, I should say, OUR upcoming Podcast--meaning me and a couple of my fine peeps, Stephanie and Kim. Coreman came up with the idea of us doing one, and I ran with it. The premise will be 3 women that get together and gab for hours (of course, each individual Podcast won't be THAT long!)...what ever could we be talking about all of that time?! Sort of a sneak-peek into our world. (be afraid...be very afraid!) I thought we could just have topics to discuss, maybe sometimes bring in guests. Maybe make them talk about a random topic we pick, or something. Could be quite a hoot. I came up with a few names, but nothing really stuck until I came up with Feminine Hijinx. I'm out of control with the theme song (out of control, I'm noticing, being the phrase of the day!) ...writing double-entendre lyrics that have something to do with feminine products. Here they are, just in case you are interested...!
Feminine Hijinx
Come hang out at their pad!
Feminine Hijinx
They're spot on!
Just go with the flow, you can't say no to
Feminine Hijinx
Feminine Hijinx
If you're in luck
They might run amok
(or they might just say f---no!)
Feminine Hijinx!
That last line is sort of a tribute to Stephanie and the grief she has gotten from a couple of people about using swear-words on her blog. (Get over it, people! It's a dangerous world we live in!) So these lyrics are set to a sort of 50's-60's lounge swing sort of ditty, I must say, I am quite proud of it. I just got out the old midi keyboard and between that and the loops that are in Garage Band (the program used to record), I went to town. Fun! We are going to have way too much fun with this. I suppose we'll get started with it in a few weeks. Just another thing I can add to my schizophrenic life!!
I spent some of the day working on the theme song to my upcoming Podcast. Or, I should say, OUR upcoming Podcast--meaning me and a couple of my fine peeps, Stephanie and Kim. Coreman came up with the idea of us doing one, and I ran with it. The premise will be 3 women that get together and gab for hours (of course, each individual Podcast won't be THAT long!)...what ever could we be talking about all of that time?! Sort of a sneak-peek into our world. (be afraid...be very afraid!) I thought we could just have topics to discuss, maybe sometimes bring in guests. Maybe make them talk about a random topic we pick, or something. Could be quite a hoot. I came up with a few names, but nothing really stuck until I came up with Feminine Hijinx. I'm out of control with the theme song (out of control, I'm noticing, being the phrase of the day!) ...writing double-entendre lyrics that have something to do with feminine products. Here they are, just in case you are interested...!
Feminine Hijinx
Come hang out at their pad!
Feminine Hijinx
They're spot on!
Just go with the flow, you can't say no to
Feminine Hijinx
Feminine Hijinx
If you're in luck
They might run amok
(or they might just say f---no!)
Feminine Hijinx!
That last line is sort of a tribute to Stephanie and the grief she has gotten from a couple of people about using swear-words on her blog. (Get over it, people! It's a dangerous world we live in!) So these lyrics are set to a sort of 50's-60's lounge swing sort of ditty, I must say, I am quite proud of it. I just got out the old midi keyboard and between that and the loops that are in Garage Band (the program used to record), I went to town. Fun! We are going to have way too much fun with this. I suppose we'll get started with it in a few weeks. Just another thing I can add to my schizophrenic life!!
At 6:31 PM,
Stephanie said…
Can't wait to start going with the flow..!! Girl, we just have too much fun - and we haven't even started! Can't wait to hear your glorious voice applied to the kitschy tune, should be hilarious.
At 6:32 PM,
Stephanie said…
Why is my picture showing up on your blog? I'll fix that, ugh, I do NOT have the hang of this yet! How egotistical and hilarious! I'm sure when I post this, it'll be there again - enjoy (ack!)
At 6:46 PM,
Suz said…
That is so hilarious, I don't even know how you did that! :-) Hey, it will probably bring in more readers, you gorgeous thang, you!
At 1:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
I did it by putting my photo in the "about me" section of my blog. I guess now it's tied to my user ID and shows up if I log in. Kinda embarassing, sorry 'bout that. DORK! Love the pic of Sullivan and the mushrooms, he's so sweet and adorable. Stephanie (sans pic, ha)
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