One Happy Cake-Eater
And I have to give a shout-out to all of my good friends out there who have helped in so many ways--schlepping things around, painting, bringing goodies, and always moral support. How lucky am I to have such people in my life?? It makes a person feel at home no matter where they are, that is for sure. The strange thing is I left my SLP home without even a look back. Interesting. Not that I was unhappy there, not in the least. But it's always been me to take on something new without regret, even though normally I am one of the most sentimental people on the planet. Sappy, you might say. But don't tell anyone, it may ruin my Metal Mommy status...;-)
OK, back to the unpacking. One thing we are noticing is that even though we have gained square footage we have lost storage space, just from the sheer layout of the house. That will be a problem, 'cuz we have a lot of stuff. Even after getting rid of a bunch before we got here. This oughta be interesting...! Stay tuned!
Labels: home
At 12:13 PM,
Cuz said…
Congratulations on your new home!
Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it.
Love you!
At 3:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yay, good to hear again from you, Susie!
And congrats with your new home. Have a wonderful time there ;-)
Hugs, Rob.
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