Vacation, that is. (are you singing that
Go-Gos song now? If you are of my generation, you are...!) Just got back and it was heavenly. A week's worth of fun, relaxation, watching the kids have a ball and hanging with my childhood friend and her wonderful family by the lake. When I'm there I literally have no clue what's going on in the world for an entire week, and that my friends is a wonderful thing. I also had my very first
Silpada jewelry party there, and even though it was a bit quiet because the staff decided to go have their annual dinner that very evening and therefore many guests went out as well, it was a success. I have also received my first official check. woo! I am a Money Maker once again, a contributor. Feels good, I have to say.
We got home and it was right back at it. Actually, we didn't even really get to be home...not an hour after we arrived we had a showing since our house is now officially on the market. We walked in the door, talked to our agent, and realized we

needed to high-tail it back out of there. Crazy! All of us dirty, needing a shower, just wanting to get in and unwind. My lovely friends
Stephanie and John were so kind to let us crash their pad, even with them leaving us to take their weekend drive. Of course Digby has to come with us whenever we leave the house, and he proceeded to pee on their floor. ! He hasn't done that kind of thing for months, it must have been a combo of being at Grandma's for a week, being whisked over to Stephanie's, and then smelling ol' Sigmunds' smells all over. sigh. From there it was dropping Vivian off to a party, but not before a trip to Target to buy a gift we had already bought for the birthday friend that had gotten lost in our house cleaning frenzy. (I have since found said gift in a kitchen drawer along with my baking utensils. How silly of me not to look in there in the first place....!!) We had yet another showing at 5:00, so off to Petsmart we went, the only cool place we could think to go to that would take the Digs. They may be seeing a lot of us...! Nothing like 2 fast food meals eaten in the car, in one day. Is this house-selling thing fun yet?! And it's only week one....
The good news is we do have some interested buyers already, but we're in that frustrating in-between stage where we don't know what's really going to happen. It would be amazing in this market to have or house sold within a couple of weeks. We shall see! The one we love is still available, I'm just holding my breath on that one. Could life be any more crazy right now??
Don't answer that...!
Labels: Silpada, Stephanie, the Go-Gos
At 3:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Welcome Back!!! Happy to hear you had a great vacation! You look relaxed......... :)
At 6:31 AM,
Suz said…
Hi Donna! Hope to see you soon...
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