Slowly but surely, the house is coming together. As it does, I'll put photos on here. Here's Sully's room. Even though he's not even close, it's part of the cool Tween Hang-Out he and his big sister have going in the basement. He and Viv have the downstairs all to themselves, pretty sweet for them! (not always so sweet for us however when the Coreman and I want to watch an inappropriate-for-kids movie and Sullivan comes out saying he can't sleep--and NO not THOSE kinds of movies, get your mind out of the gutter--) I guess at some point we may have to worry about the kids sneaking in and out of the sliding door down there...hopefully they will both be goodie-goodies like I was and not even dream of doing such a thing. A Mom can dream.

Anyway! Sullivan's room is a sweet and cozy one. The main reason he chose it was because of the glorious 'secret room', which is really just a Great Big Closet. It is pretty nice, I can store the majority of his toys in there and I can see as he gets older how he may want to make it into a nice little reading den or something. Before we even bought a house we had told the kids they could paint their new rooms any color they wanted to. (within reason, of course...we had to nix Vivian's

macabre choice of black.!) Sullivan had said orange. Well this room just happened to already be orange, however the specific shade of orange brings to mind the Circus Peanut. An entire room painted the color of a Circus Peanut. eeeu. Partly to keep some color in the room and mostly out of laziness, we kept two walls that color and painted two of them white. (a big thanks to my paint-helpers Nancy and
Stephanie!!) I suppose I would have picked a different shade of orange for the others but honestly we were in a hurry and the thought of painting the one brick wall over with all of it's nooks and crannies was NOT something I really wanted to do. So there it is. Sullivan sure doesn't seem to mind, so Circus Peanut it is! With the color of his bedding, rug and pictures, it's actually pretty cute in there. He may very well want something a bit more masculine as he gets older, and by then he'll be old enough to paint his OWN room. Go to it, little man! Just not black.

So he seems pretty happy in there, and we got rid of the bunk and instead stuck the air mattress under his bed for guests or Vivian, who on more than one occassion wanted to sleep in the room with her brother in the old house. (how cute is that?) The bunk was nice but didn't fit so well in this smaller room--besides, it was pretty low and pretty soon he was going to start bumping his head upon rising. I have to say, when I'm changing his sheets I sure don't miss that top bunk. Now that's a Circus act in itself.
Labels: Circus Peanut, Nancy, Stephanie, Sullivan, Vivian
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