Not the painting of the Lady of Shallot, mind you. (although it is quite lovely.) I think shallots are my new favorite cooking ingredient. Not that this is a cooking blog, oh no...I could never compete with my dear friend
Stephanie on that one, and wouldn't even try...but I just had to share that for my latest gourmet dinner group recipe it required the use of shallots in not one but two of my recipes, and I am now thinking I need to incorporate them in a lot of my dishes instead of plain ol' bourgeois onions.
Shallots ARE onions, in fact, just a small gourmet version of them. (so it should not surprise you that I like them--me and

my expensive taste.) They look a lot like garlic, but are a sweeter version of the onion. They are cute. And they taste good. So what's not to like?? I made a simple recipe of
Roasted Potatoes With Herbs that called for them and upon smelling this dish in the oven my husband told me I outdid myself and the kitchen smelled the best it's ever smelled. huh. I'll be putting shallots into everything now! What honey, you don't like shallot in your blueberry kuchen?? But you said they smelled the best ever...
My dinner of said potatoes to compliment the main dish of
Mediterranean Chicken for my dinner party turned out wonderful,

too bad 3 out of us 4 women felt so crummy. You had to laugh...me after standing and cooking all day was shuffling from point A to point B because of a sore back by night's end...Dawn had pulled something in her butt (!) and poor Rosemarie was weak, tired and dizzy from taking some nasty heavy-duty meds to kill off some lovely parasites that made a run for the border via her intestines from Mexico. What a bunch of old ladies we felt like! Ridic. But we weren't going to let that keep us from eating well and having some good laughs! Oh no. Sadly, because of my gimpy back, I didn't get to taking any photos of my dish--and I was quite proud of it, too. Beat! You'll just have to make it yourself.
Labels: gourmet dinner, shallots, Stephanie, The Lady of Shallot
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