I'm doin' my homework. Homework, you ask? As a (Metal) Mommy, does that mean studying food nutrition? Parenting manuals? The long-term effects of tooth decay if your kids don't floss daily? Nope. None of the above. (although, the last one I may pay more attention to, now that I think about it....!) I am listening to Andrew Zimmern's
talk show on the radio.
Remember a while ago how I mentioned that a dream of mine was to be on FM107 talk radio? Well, ladies and germs, I am proof that dreams can come true. I hesitate to even mention this at this premature point since my actual date and time hasn't been confirmed yet--but hey, I've already gone ahead and threw it out to the universe (or to the blog world which I'm thinking is the same thing) that I even WANTED to be on the radio and it looks like it's happening, so what the hey! I'm gonna be a glass-half-full-er and I'm just going to bank on it coming through.

Not only am I getting on the radio, my friends, but I am going to be on the one-and-only
Andrew Zimmern show, which started yesterday (Monday, June 4th) and will be on Monday through Friday from 1-3 on said FM107.1. As I said we're still working out the details as to when and where, and even exactly what my role will be, but it looks like my contribution is going to have something to do with--*gasp!*-- being the 'Modern Mom', or maybe dare I say, the Metal Mommy? We shall see. At this point I believe I will be calling in to chat with Andrew for anywhere from 7-10 minutes every couple of weeks, but again, to be determined. As you can imagine, I am very excited. What an honor it will be to be a part of Andrew's daily conversation! Andrew and I have been having our own conversations back and forth about it all and as soon as I know the details you will know the details.
So keep on dreaming everyone! Blog about it! Put it out there with all your heart and soul and you may be surprised. I think it really does help...well, that and having support from friends and family, and of course having connections...;-) When it comes right down to it, it's often who you know. But you aren't getting anywhere if you keep that dream to yourself. A little pep talk from The Suz.
Labels: Andrew Zimmern, fm107, homework, Metal Mommy
At 11:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
jeez lady, look at you! I think there's going to be a lot of high-fiving going on tomorrow night, if we're not all hiding under Kim's stairs from the tornados.
At 7:29 AM,
Suz said…
So you won't be the only one makin' the stong winds, eh?? Aunty Em!
At 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Great news, Susie!
Have a fun time there ;-)
Hugs, Rob.
At 1:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations my friend. Dreams DO come true! You deserve it!!!!
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