Pretty in Man Salmon
You know, when your kids play hookey it can actually be kind of fun. Well, okay, Vivian wasn't exactly playing hookey...she IS sick with strep throat, poor girl. But thankfully she doesn't get deathly ill with it, it always starts as a sore throat, then comes the headache and a bit of a sore tummy. None of that throwing up stuff, which can often go along with the virus. (thank goodness!) So she's sick enough not to have a lot of energy or go to school, but still wants to hang around and play games, watch TV (but of course!), that sort of thing.
Yesterday morning we started The Lost Boys. It's an 80's movie that I just knew she would love, being so into the macabre as she is. That movie--at least in my humble opinion--definitely stands the test of time. It's the perfect mix of horror (which of course compared to today's standards is SO tame...and about what I can handle now in my autumn years) and humor. Great writing, great acting, lots of fun. I watched it first, since I hadn't seen it in so long, trying to see it through an 11 year old's eyes to see if it was okay for her. Of course we all have our own standards as to what's
okay and I'm sure to some it wouldn't be. There is language and some implied hanky-panky goin' on, but watching it together feels okay to me. My little girl is growing up!
After Sully came home, it was game time. Nothing like an afternoon with some Cadoo and Chutes and Ladders. Of course come summer, we'll be doing this all the time! But there is something about doing fun things like that when you are supposed to be doing something responsible, like going to school. It's not me missing school, of course, but I can live vicariously through my kids. :-)

Today I sent Sullivan to school in his new pink polo. (speaking of the 80's!) I'm not sure how the Coreman feels about Sullivan donning that feminine color, but I think it's the cutest thing ever. I told Sullivan if anyone gives him grief about wearing pink he should reply, "It's not pink, it's Man Salmon." I think that really sunk in because he was saying just that at the bus stop.

After Sully came home, it was game time. Nothing like an afternoon with some Cadoo and Chutes and Ladders. Of course come summer, we'll be doing this all the time! But there is something about doing fun things like that when you are supposed to be doing something responsible, like going to school. It's not me missing school, of course, but I can live vicariously through my kids. :-)
Today I sent Sullivan to school in his new pink polo. (speaking of the 80's!) I'm not sure how the Coreman feels about Sullivan donning that feminine color, but I think it's the cutest thing ever. I told Sullivan if anyone gives him grief about wearing pink he should reply, "It's not pink, it's Man Salmon." I think that really sunk in because he was saying just that at the bus stop.
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