Getting Things Done

Lori just informed me that our new Warbride blog is up and running on our site. Woo hoo, now I have two blogs I get to write in! Of course the Warbride one won't require much of me--the whole purpose of the thing is for us to be able to report our progress as things move along toward completion, and as of now there isn't much for me to do. I've done my part, at least for this stage of the game and most of it now is on Lori. I feel badly about that, as I wish there was something I could do to help her, but at this point it's all re-recording instrument parts, adding guitar solos, and the final mixing--which is all Lori's gig. It's been tough for her to put a lot of time into our thing, what with her working and being involved with her other band, Stream of Passion. But! She's put the pedal to the metal (literally!) and we're trying to get some finished songs up by late fall. We haven't quite figured out exactly how we'll promote them, but, all in good time. Right now the focus is just on getting them done.
I spent most of my time today re-arranging Vivian's room, which became quite the project in of itself. It all started with an innocent "this room could use a deep cleaning--let's re-arrange!", thinking moving things around might help with the purging and throwing bit. Well....before I knew it we were at IKEA--my favorite place, you know--buying a new bed frame, a dresser and a new rug. You know how it is...I love IKEA for it's cool and affordable furniture, but I sure don't love shopping there. This time was no exception to the lousy 'Ikea Experience' rule of the thumb. Luckily the bedroom stuff we wanted was in stock, thank goodness...but the coffee table that we've already checked on once still wasn't there. And then there was the BITCHY employee who actually rolled her eyes at me when she had to help me get something down that was heavy. Pleasant.
But, all's well that ends well, and the room is now (mostly) done and it looks great. Whew! Tired Metal Mommy.
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