Another day, another blog entry. Not much exciting to report on this Wednesday other than a nice playdate at Carleen and Susie's house, I have to say. I'm still remembering the nice evening I had the other night, though, when my friend Darcie invited me over to her house for tea with her and my favorite Brit.
When I went got there she told me she had a surprise for me, and proceeded to turn on the TV and select a Tivo'd Ellen DeGeneres show--complete with my tall glass of soda, Orlando Bloom. He was a guest, and my good friend Darcie just knew it was something I needed to see. What makes this especially nice is that Darc could care less about Mr. Bloom (*gasp!*), but she watched it just for me. Now that's a friend indeed! Orlando actually didn't sound too ridiculous in this interview, which is good. I often feel the need to shush him (even though I love that accent...sigh...) so he doesn't ruin the pretty face. He was being sort of geeky with his lifetime dream to play the bongo drums, I have to say. But I got a huge kick out of Sheila E., who Ellen had brought on to teach Orly a thing or two, when she made a quiet aside that he could play her bongos anytime. Ha! Ellen didn't even catch it, but I sure did. Yeah!
Another funny thing is that Ellen was centering her show about people who are lucky. (Orlando fit this bill because he's been so accident prone and broken so many bones, but alas, he's fine, and well damn...look at him.) In her beginning monologue
she was imagining how funny it would be to have the name 'Lucky'. Well of course I thought about my mammogram technician right away, who indeed did have that name. I even got on Ellen's web site comment area and told her so. Who knows, maybe she'll have me on the show? With my luck, she'll have Lucky.

Another funny thing is that Ellen was centering her show about people who are lucky. (Orlando fit this bill because he's been so accident prone and broken so many bones, but alas, he's fine, and well damn...look at him.) In her beginning monologue

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