Because I'm Worth It, Damn It!
There I was, sitting on the pot reading my hand-me-down In Style magazine from my friend Darcie that I swapped out for the latest Redbook, and I saw this gorgeous photo of Penelope Cruz, sporting the latest Loreal color. I decided right then and there that I needed to color my hair. (okay, I finished my business and flushed first.) Advertising at it's finest! I fell for it. Normally if anything is done to my hair, besides the occasional desperate self-bang trim, it's done at by Emily at Curl Up and Dye, who I've been loyal to for years. Nobody does me like Emily. But something came over me and I just had to look like Penelope. Now!
Poor Sullivan, I whisked him right out of his jammies and into Target just after 8:00 AM so I could get started. Hey, when I decide to do something, I want it done yesterday. It's the price of being 5, you get dragged along everywhere with your Mommy. Payback for waking me up at 7:00 every morning and basically being waited on hand and foot. What was really funny is that there was another mom in the aisle pouring over hair color with her son in tow as well, and he looked about the same age. I'm convinced they put those irresistible little shiny hoops of sample hair out just for little ones to have something to do whilst their crazed mommies try to figure out whether to go chestnut brown or ashe. It works!
I came home, took a deep breath and plunged. I had forgotten just what a pain in the ass it is to color your hair at home. And what a mess! I tried to be really careful but somehow still managed to get some hair color over on the window sill. (huh?!) That's going to leave a mark. Small price to pay for beauty!
30 minutes later, I rinsed. And I rinsed. And I rinsed. Even if you have hard water, it seems to take FOREVER for that damn color stuff to wash out of your hair. Where does it hide in there? But I rinsed, conditioned, towel dried, blow dried--and voila! Not bad. A lot of hassle, but hey. Instant gratification. I'm all about that! (there's my Stephanie-esque picture I took of myself! Ha!)
Cory didn't even notice until I told him I did it. Then he was like, "Oh yeah! Now I notice it!" Stephanie came by to pick up Vivian for a swim with Nathan over in their new pool, and she didn't notice either. Hilarious. But in their defense, it's really my natural color, only intensified a bit. And I finally got rid of those highlights that were supposed to be gold, but alas, were red. Always red, no matter what I do. I think my hair is trying to say something. Something like, "just stick with brown, kid." So there it is. Me and Penelope. (now if only they bottled up something to make me look like the rest of her...)
It's kind of like life, isn't it? You try all of these new and fancy ways to be you as the years go by, and then at some point you realize the real you is really all you're going to be. You just have to learn to be happy with what you are, with what you've got. Cuz damn it, I'm worth it!
Poor Sullivan, I whisked him right out of his jammies and into Target just after 8:00 AM so I could get started. Hey, when I decide to do something, I want it done yesterday. It's the price of being 5, you get dragged along everywhere with your Mommy. Payback for waking me up at 7:00 every morning and basically being waited on hand and foot. What was really funny is that there was another mom in the aisle pouring over hair color with her son in tow as well, and he looked about the same age. I'm convinced they put those irresistible little shiny hoops of sample hair out just for little ones to have something to do whilst their crazed mommies try to figure out whether to go chestnut brown or ashe. It works!
I came home, took a deep breath and plunged. I had forgotten just what a pain in the ass it is to color your hair at home. And what a mess! I tried to be really careful but somehow still managed to get some hair color over on the window sill. (huh?!) That's going to leave a mark. Small price to pay for beauty!
30 minutes later, I rinsed. And I rinsed. And I rinsed. Even if you have hard water, it seems to take FOREVER for that damn color stuff to wash out of your hair. Where does it hide in there? But I rinsed, conditioned, towel dried, blow dried--and voila! Not bad. A lot of hassle, but hey. Instant gratification. I'm all about that! (there's my Stephanie-esque picture I took of myself! Ha!)

Cory didn't even notice until I told him I did it. Then he was like, "Oh yeah! Now I notice it!" Stephanie came by to pick up Vivian for a swim with Nathan over in their new pool, and she didn't notice either. Hilarious. But in their defense, it's really my natural color, only intensified a bit. And I finally got rid of those highlights that were supposed to be gold, but alas, were red. Always red, no matter what I do. I think my hair is trying to say something. Something like, "just stick with brown, kid." So there it is. Me and Penelope. (now if only they bottled up something to make me look like the rest of her...)
It's kind of like life, isn't it? You try all of these new and fancy ways to be you as the years go by, and then at some point you realize the real you is really all you're going to be. You just have to learn to be happy with what you are, with what you've got. Cuz damn it, I'm worth it!
At 9:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh no! Sorry I didn't notice! I'll definitely check it out when I see you next - when am I seeing you next? You have AMAZING hair, it always looks good, that's the problem - if you go from shit to shiny, people say, wow, what did you do? But yours is always thick and shiny, so the improvement, if any, must be VERY subtle... :)
At 9:49 PM,
Suz said…
Oh, don't feel badly! I thought it was actually kind of funny. But thanks for the hair props, me friend. :-)
At 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
PS Great pic!
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