At 8:00 AM this morning I welcomed the
Direct TV installer with open arms. No no, not open legs. How dare you think such a thing?? I am no Desperate Housewife! (even tho I do like to pretend I'm Eva Longoria...) I considered greeting him in a pink chiffon nightie and feathered pumps, but nah. Just a pink t-shirt, jeans, and sleep-encrusted eyes. We are trading in
Dish Network for Direct TV--which is actually kind of funny, since we did the complete opposite about 5 years ago. But we got a better deal, Coreman got the OLN network just in time for the Stanley Cup playoffs, and I get FREE MOVIE CHANNELS for a month! WOO! I won't be doing anything for 30 days except staring at the TV. Shoot, just remembered Sullivan has his first soccer practice this evening and then I'm meeting my friend Darcie for coffee afterward. Damn, how can one be expected to have a social life when they have access to Starz??? It's a rough life, I tell ya.
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