...and that would be my son. Oh sure, he looks pretty darn cute here spelling out 'Wiccan' on the refrigerator. (only MY son. How very metal!) But oh, he's been a pill lately. He's like that nursery rhyme. When he's good, he's very, very good--but when he's bad....! Look out! The talking back, the defiance! I never had to deal with this with Vivian. If it's like this now, I can only imagine what he'll be like as a teenager. That is a scary thought indeed.
It's put me in a foul mood, which is not good on MY HUSBAND'S BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CORY!!!

Hopefully he's in a better mood than I. I'm gonna make him a kill dinner tonight--fresh salmon on the grill, Stephanie's
Walnut and Ricotta Pesto...I may even let him skip a vegetable, since it's his day. Then our big plan tonight is to attend Vivian's chorus concert at the school. Cute! She's got another solo, and she's all excited. Then tonight, maybe more Lord of the Rings. We are now onto
The Two Towers, the second of the trilogy. For probably about the 10th time. :-) Sounds like a good evening to me! It might just snap me out of my crankiness. Especially when I can put Mr. Stinkerpot to bed.

Meanwhile, I'll listen to the Ministry CD I just got at Half Price Books, "The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste". Music from back in the day. Angry music. Good music to grumble by! Yeah!
At 2:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Something WICCAN this way comes, hahaha. I love Sullivan's mind, even when it's cranky.
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