A lot of Nothing

Whew, the days are flying by and I haven't even posted an entry in a while. Isn't it weird how you can have so many little things going on, but when you go to remember what the heck you've been up to, you just shrug your shoulders and go, "Aaaa, nothing..." Of course who wants to hear about the mundane happenings of life like going to the grocery store, a swimming lesson, a trip to the mall, various play dates? Unless something tragic or hilarious happens, is it really news? Of course life is best when it's just moving along and you DON'T really notice the time flying by. I'm certainly not complaining!!
The other night I did attend a boutique at Sue Reid's house. Sue is one of Sullivan's teachers and a good friend of mine. She is an amazing lady, let me tell you. (all of those teachers are, fo sho!) Sue just happened to stumble upon a talent she never knew was in her--she paints the most intricate, sweet little watercolor paintings of flowers. She puts them in frames, or makes handmade cards with them. I just LOVE the fact that, feeling inspired, she just picked up a paintbrush one day and started painting--and look what came out!!

Yesterday Steph asked if I wanted to join her in attending her friend Bowen's graduation media display show. It was fun to get a bit gussied and head downtown for a bit. I always wonder why the heck it was so important for Cory and I to live by the city when we NEVER spend any time in it. Bowen's work was excellent and of course it was fun to see Steph's sister Stacey, and Coop-A-Doop! (baby Cooper) He looked pretty darn happy amongst the Artsie-Fartsies. Too bad he was so fartsie, tho, even during sleep he had quite the fuss or two, due to bad gas. Poor guy. I hate it when that happens.
Today is a quiet day, more of doing a lot of nothing. But tonight! Another Feminine Hijinx installment! I'm waiting to hear confirmation about a special guest we should be having tonight--our first call-in! Curious? Well, tune in!! It should be "live" at about, oh, midnight!!! :-) It's a good thing we won't really be able to get a photo taken with our remote guest...dumb-ass me watched "The Joy Luck Club" last night and my eyes are like a couple of Jet-Puffed marshmallows today from crying. Oy!
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