Those are my arms, trying to grab at my beloved Legolas from Mirkwood. You knew, didn't you? You could just tell those are MY arms. Little old me has inspired a friend of mine (who wants to remain anonymous...oooh, mysterious!) to put his own sick and twisted twist on my lust for the elf on this site he writes and illustrates for,
tinydeadbunny.com This blog of sorts is so hilarious, I think I may have to give the URL a permanent home in my list of Sites To Rule Them All. (on your right) Ricardo Pants and I were emailing back and forth and when he mentioned hoping to find a gollum in the corner of his attic, I took it as a Tolkien reference (what else?!) and replied that I myself would rather find the elf up in my attic. The rest is history, and I have actually acquired 'muse' status now. sigh. Doesn't that sound romantic? Too bad it's not, really. But I can tuck that one up into my fantasies along with my elf. sigh.
Back to reality. Yesterday I had a lovely lunch with lovely
Stephanie on my patio. Sullivan had a field trip at school which actually gave me an extra hour, so, instead of cleaning the house and getting things done, why not spend that time with a friend?? She brought some fish tacos from
Baja Sol--(no dirty jokes now, people) and we spent the entire time gabbing. What, us? A perfect afternoon, in my book.

And tonight, more gabbing! Stephanie, Kim and I will be meeting at
McCoys for our first roving podcast!!! Now we can take Feminine Hijinx on the road! Yeah! Look out, diners. They may easily lose their appetite if we start talking about
meat curtains or
hot carls (thanx, Pat!) at the table, which could very easily happen. And if it happens, it will be LOUD. We know no other volume. (just as the Ring knows no other master. sorry.)
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