Mother-In-Laws Can Be Metal, Too

Imagine my surprise when sleepy, bleary-eyed me is stumbling into the bathroom after a fun night at Wildfire restaurant only to find a giant bumblebee such as this on the floor in front of the sink! Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate the beauty and value of a bee and actually think these giant fuzzy black and yellows are quite cute. But I don't want to step on one, and I don't want one mad at me. Imagine the sting on that mothah! I was in a quandary. I didn't exactly want to smash the thing, but I didn't exactly want to try to catch it, either. (where was Cory, btw? now that I think about it, I have no clue where he was. Isn't that what husbands are for, to eliminate all creepy crawly things?!)
But never fear! Mother-In-Law Connie was here! She was in town, and babysat for us whilst we went out. (bless.) She went right in there and bent down to have a looksie. I asked her, sadly, if she wanted a shoe. No, she said, I'll just grab a kleenex. A wha? A flimsy little tissue? Whoa! And sure enough, she plucked a kleenex right out of the box and proceeded to cocoon that giant bee right into it. She was very calm carrying it to the back door to set it free, the bee...not so calm. The poor thing was buzzing like crazy in it's little Puff's prison. It's amazing how loud those things are! I am only guessing that when Connie opened the door the bee flew away--I was hovering in the background, convinced that thing was going to be PISSED and sting her and anyone else that may have been an accomplice in that dastardly claustrophobic deed. But then of course it was free, so it probably shrugged it's shoulders and went, Ah well. I'll beeeee nice this time. (sorry, couldn't resist)
So there it is. I have a new-found respect for my mother-in-law. I always knew that not much riled her, but who knew she was so Metal?? Carrying a giant bumble bee outside with your almost-bare hands earns the Metal title, for sure. It may even garner the heavy metal hand signal. I don't think she'd quite get it, though. Then I'd have to explain it and that would ruin the effect. But that's okay, my Mother-In-Law is still metal.
(and talk about metal....lookit how that guy above has the bee on his FINGER! check out this web site, where the lunatic has all sorts of bees and wasps resting on his appendage. Whoa!)
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