S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y, Night!

It's a quiet Saturday night, and that's actually okay with me. It's been a crazy past few days! My brother John and 2 of his boys came down from Duluth for a surprise visit. The kids had a ball--it's always so fun to see the cousins all hanging out together.

Then Vivian woke up this morning with a fever. Since she had complained of a sore throat on and off in days past and a note about strep came home from the petri dish that's called school, I brought her in for a throat culture at the nearest Minute Clinic. It's the first time I've been to one of those, and I have to say, it was darn handy. We still had to wait for a little while, but the waiting was much more pleasant in Target laughing at the man and adolescent son looking at

Luckily the swab came back negative--of course one never knows until the overnight test comes back. I just have a Mommy Intuition that it's just a nasty cold, tho. We're hoping she feels better tomorrow so we can go to a play at the high school in the afternoon with Kim and Emily. A girl's got a social life! We can't be held back by a virus! Doesn't it realize??
And speaking of Kim, she totally rocked out with me at the Coreboard class this morning. I was disappointed with myself later though, when I realized that I completely forgot to give her the Twat Props when I saw her walk into the gym. Last time we Hijinx ladies were together we decided we needed our own gang sign to greet each other with. You make a peace sign (get it, a "V"??) and tap at the ol' nether regions with it. It's a way of giving a fellow Sister Woman her repects. I hope she's not feeling all down and bad about herself, since I forgot the T Props. I'll have to make it up to her next time.

Hopefully that next time will be tomorrow night, with another installment of Feminine Hijinx! Stephanie was going to be out of town, delaying the next podcast until next week, but she ended up staying--so it just may work out. Of course the reason she's here is because she is sick with a bad cold and doesn't have much of a voice, so, we'll have to see just how that voice is holding out tomorrow. I hope it works, because we ladies have things to say!!!
So maybe I'm old, but hurray for quiet Saturday nights. S-S-S-Saturday Night!!!!!
At 9:48 AM,
Stephanie said…
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At 9:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
OMG, now THAT'S metal, love it, love the FACE you're making along with the T-Prop. Fabulous! Now that's a gang sign worth flashing, go FH!!!
PS, that's me that deleted above, my face showed up again. Damn that!
At 2:56 PM,
Suz said…
Why worry?? Your marvelous mug can grace the presence of my blog any time! :-) (you can't see it, but I'm giving you the T Props right now..!)
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