Highs and Blows

What a lovely Valentine's day dinner at we had at Wildfire last night! The food was amazing, the wine was fabulous, and the company was superb. Cory had this grand idea for the men to write love poems for their wives, and recite them at the table. Poor Brian left his at home in his work-stress, and John got his done but wasn't too happy about it. I realize some people are not poets and they know it. Nor do they want to be. But he did a fine job, it was very sweet. Cory's was amazing, totally made me cry. I was worried--the pressure for the waterworks was on, since he told me that was his goal! But there were tears, ladies and germs, real tears. First tears of lovey-dovey, and of course with this group, eventually lots of tears of hysterical laughter. I'm sure everyone in the restaurant was glad when we finally left. We should have been put in the Rascal Room. Had I known there was such a thing, I surely would have requested it! Hilarious.

So the high I felt last night was totally deflated by my poor daughter having the stomach flu today. If you've read my previous post on the matter, or know me at all, you know I do not do vomit well. In any way, shape or form. So I've had to have my Big Girl pants on today, for sure. Vivian's been a real trooper though. At one point she even warned me that I'd better leave, as another bout was coming on. Aww! She's sleeping now, and I'm glad. I sure hope she feels better upon waking. But I'm afraid even if she does, relaxing is not in the cards for me...she and Sullivan were sharing a kazoo about half an hour before the first upchuck occurred. Of all things, was today the day they had the play the kazoo?? (actually kind of funny, when you think about it) So, chances are I'll be dealing with this again soon, from his end. (or, ends, more than likely) Can you believe that Sullivan has NEVER thrown up from sickness in his life?? Being the control freak that he is, he is totally going to be out of orbit when it happens. And I'll be wishing I could catch a ride on that rocket right along with him, I'm sure.
But, day at a time folks, day at a time. Meanwhile I will do all I can to ban the nasty bug by spraying everything in the house with Lysol. Lysol is my friend right now, my best friend. If I could safely spray my body with it, I would. Calgon, take me away!
At 4:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh no! Vivian get well, no else get sick! Hang in there!
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