A Novel Weekend

Wow, the weekend is over already. This one flew by! I got up early on Saturday and headed right for the gym before I changed my mind. I have no idea what possessed me, but I decided to check the fitness class schedule when I got there to see if there were any classes I could jump into at that time. Lo and behold, there was a class I could join that didn't seem too intimidating--it was called 'Coreboard'. I even had a few minutes to spare, so I hopped on the ol' Elipse machine to get my heart rate going, just in case it was a 'warm up before' class. Wow, that makes me sound like a hard-core exerciser...but really, I was just trying to decide if I really had the guts to potentially make a fool out of myself again in trying a class. Those of you readers who have been with me from the beginning may remember a post where I talked about starting a class and running out of it after about 10 minutes. Once they got past the 'grapevine' I was completely lost. 'Coreboard', though...this one sounded more like a strengthening class, tightening up the old 'core'--the center of your bod--not too much movement. (God forbid, in a fitness class!!)
Well...I really was clueless. The class began with those of us who showed up shlepping 'The Coreboard' from one room to another. Yes my friends, it turns out the ol' Coreboard ('ol apparently being this word of the day!) was indeed an apparatus! And a heavy one at that, I got started on my workout just getting that thing from point A to point B. Now I was really nervous. Not only was it an apparatus, which is normally not a good thing for me, but the damn thing moved. You have to balance on it while you are doing the exercises. Eeeek! But hey, I had gotten that far, I wasn't about to chicken out. Plus there were only 3 of us, so there was no flying out unnoticed like last time! Long story shorter and a few wobbles later, I actually was getting the hang of it and can honestly say I enjoyed that class! By the end I could actually lift one leg and kick it up in the air to about knee level, which was a feat, let me tell you. (at least for me. I may be a red belt in Tae Kwon Do, but I would never attempt above kick on that thing, like Coreboard Christy, there!) I am even planning on taking the class next Saturday. Yay me. I could tell it was good, too, because I am feeling new muscles today. This is an improvement in my workout routine, since, I have no routine. They say you are supposed to change things up every so often, you get a better workout that way. So, there it is. Now I have the Coreboard class!
After that I took Vivian to a friend's piano recital. I have to say, that was a sentimental moment. This girl invited a few other friends her age, and it was the sweetest thing to see them all listening so quietly and respectfully, generally interested in their friends' musical abilities. Believe you me, I have seen kids this age in a group together and they can get quite rowdy, and not always so respectful. I was thinking about the memories that this will make for the pianist, wondering if she even quite took that all in. I think that must be an adult thing.
Today started out with YET ANOTHER puppet show. Ol' Noah's gettin' real old. Today I did a really dumb thing...I took the teacher's suggestion and let the kids act out the show when I was done, using the props. I told them to be gentle, but alas--the props definitely took a beating. Poor Elvis-I-mean-Noah even needs a new mini-pad-I-mean-make-up remover pad-I-mean beard. All in the desperation of trying to come up with something for the kids to do in the extra time that always comes at the end of the show. I won't do THAT again! One more next week, and then we're done for a while. The next unit of learning is the 'Journey to the Cross". Char and I decided to skip that one, as it seemed like sort of a morbid story to re-enact with puppets. Kari and I (the *sniff* ol' Youth Director who has since left and is a friend of mine) laughed about how funny it would be to use Davey and Goliath

THEN this afternoon we painted!!! We've needed to paint the living room for years. It still has the same old yellow color it had when we moved in 5 years ago. It's a nice color, but we were ready for change. Well, we didn't paint the whole thing yet, but we did start with one wall--dark brown! It looks really nice, I have to say. I haven't decided what we'll do with the other 3 walls yet, but definitely a lighter complimentary color. I love the brown, but a bit overwhelming for a whole room! Even one wall gives someone the thought of possibly being in Willy Wonka's Factory. (but hey, if all four walls means Johnny Depp will come walking in my living room at any moment, get me the paint brush!) Next will be the trim around the windows--probably a light cream color, kind of like it is now. Then I can decide what other color I want in the meantime. Can I just say how nice it is to have a husband that lets me do whatever I want?! Thank goodness we do have the same taste. I always wonder what people do who are complete opposites in that department. Don't all husbands know that the wives should always have the final say in such matters? Come to think about it, all of my friends husbands that I can think of right now do kind of let the wives do what they want. Tee hee. We know who's really in control. :-)
Okay, by the time you are done reading this post it will be NEXT weekend already. Whew! Whatever will the next week bring?
At 2:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
The wall looks gorgeous! I just realized I forget to say what color I knew, Plymouth Brown, Benjamin Moore. Doesn't matter now, though, this looks amazing. Yay!
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