The Powahhhh of Love

Wow, February 1st already. I had to laugh when I turned my Lord of the Rings artwork calendar to see a painting of Saruman with his hand on the palantir--for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, Saruman is a good-wizard gone bad and the palantir is a crystal ball of sorts. In it he can see everything that's going on, kind of like Santa Claus. Mainly he uses it to communicate with Sauron, the Ultimate Bad Dude. I laughed at seeing this dark picture representing the 'love month' that is February. (you know, that whole Valentine's Day thing) Vivian, who shares my sense of humor and love of Lord of the Rings also got a good chuckle. (oh how I love that girl!) We were sitting in the kitchen going over a list of things she needs for her class Valentine's Day party that she had brought home from school when I changed the calendar. (okay, it was a day early, but after 30 or so days I'm looking forward to the next picture!) When seeing it, Vivian commented on the humor of it all and starting saying, in her best Saruman voice, "Sauron, I shall send you a Valentine!" And then Sauron answering, "Don't forget to include the lollipop!" (which I then changed to 'pop-pop', which is what Darcie's year-old boy Quinton calls lollipops---sooo cute!) Then I chime in as Saruman, "But how can you eat this lollipop when you are only an eye?" To which Vivian, or Sauron, replies, "Fool! I absorb it with my POWER!" (which of course came out as, POWAHHH!") Hilarious! That girl. I don't know where she gets it from.
We'll also be starting out the month with some new paint. I bought the color to apply to the rest of the walls, can't wait! (for those of you just joining me, we painted one wall chocolate brown over the weekend!) We'll get started tonight. It's actually not much different from the color we have now, sort of the same shade, just a bit warmer. Of course it could look really different--things always do when they go from a 3X3 inch swatch to an entire wall! (or three!) What is it about new paint that is so exciting? What can I say, I like changing things up. And paint is a relatively easy and relatively inexpensive way to do it. A pain in the ass, for sure, but I love the result.

Today is Grocery Day. Usually that is Monday, but for some reason I'm all off track now. I think Stephanie and I are the only 2 people I know who love to grocery shop. I tried getting that Simon Delivers thing in the past, but I just hated it! I hated not having control over picking out my own food, and I missed my little grocery store. Of course I would love it even more if I could shop at Byerlys exclusively, but alas, I am not allowed. Only lowly Cub for me for the big shops. I can only sneak into Byerlys for 'little shops', or a few specific things I need. I'll know we've made it when Coreman tells me I can shop in Byerlys all the time. I have a total love affair with that store!
Ahhhh-feel the love. The love for my hilarious daughter, for LOTR obsession, for new paint and for Byerlys. After all, it is February.
At 8:07 PM,
Stephanie said…
IIIIIIIIIIII know where she gets it! Ha! (Notice, my photo does not show up anymore when I log in as myself; I figured out how to turn it off, whew, that was embarassing...)
At 8:08 PM,
Stephanie said…
Oh no! There's my damn picture! Well, I figured out how to turn it off on my own blog...damn...sorry...
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