The Fiddler Flu

As I think about my daughter dealing with the most vile sickness ever, (although she is feeling a bit better today, whew!) I am reminded of The Fiddler Flu. Years back, when Vivian was only a baby, I was in the Key and Kingdom Theater's production of "Fiddler on the Roof". The Key and Kingdom Theater is really just a fancy name for a woman and her husband who go to my church, who normally put on the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar" every year, but actually veered off in the complete opposite direction this particular time to do 'Fiddler'. I played the part of Tzeitel, the first chick to go against Tradition and have the audacity to want to marry someone she actually gives a wit about. (there's me and my love, Motel! And that's pronounced like a Model T people, not like Motel 6!)

Me, Nancy and Jenny--or, Tzeitel, Chava and Hodel (some of my Jezies!) Sure, we look happy here, but we're praying we don't barf!
On a happier and more pleasant note (hope you weren't eating whilst reading this post!), I want to thank those of you who clicked on my shameless Google ads (see above) yesterday. I'll have you know I made 13 cents. Hey! That's the first time ever I've been paid for my writing! Woo hoo! Keep clicking, people! Mama needs a new purse! :-)
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