Silly me, I thought my diapering days were over. Well, at least on hold until I am a Heavy Metal Grandma--which (heaven help us)won't be for a VERY long time. But alas, we are leaving Sir Digby in the care of some dear friends as we embark on an overnight journey, and that little boy has been known to mark his territory at the slightest smell of another dog's...uh...markings. (sorry, Steph.!) The solution: a Doggy Diaper, complete with a hole for the tail. All I can say is, hilarious. Poor Digs, he looks quite humiliated, but luckily went along with it in stride. I'll feel much better knowing that if the leg does lift in someone else's home, all will be dry.
And silly me again, I thought buying a little plastic bunny for my daughter would be a

nice little gift for her. We came across these guys in a bin and Vivian was instantly enchanted by them...they totally cater to her love of anything off-color (WHERE does she get that from?!) and the fact that it was a surprise as to which one you were actually going to get upon opening the box. Opening the box was definitely a surprise--and Vivian definitely got something off-color. We innocently turned it over and noticed that this bunny has a penis! Goodness! I am buying my daughter X Rated toys. Who knew?? Well, it was
Urban Outfitters after all...I suppose I shouldn't be

too surprised. What next??? I'm afraid to ask. What I love most is that she actually took a black sharpie marker and colored the naughty bits right over so you can't even tell it was there. She did that on her own accord, kind of like Sullivan telling me when I do something that's not appropriate. You gotta love it when kids regulate themselves.
So tomorrow we're doing the Family Getaway---to be continued...
Labels: Digby, Urban Outfitters, Vivian
At 1:57 AM,
Unknown said…
Sorry Digs to add to your humiliation, but I am laughing OUT LOUD at your diaper! And good girl, Vivian. That metal mommy can be a bad influence on you sometimes. :-)
Miss you guys! Enjoy your mini-break!
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