Is it summer yet? Ah yes, I believe it is. In fact today is the official beginning of it. It's hot now, school's out, we've been spending time at the pool. But since school's been out, we've been busy, busy!
Last weekend we headed up North to visit Grammy in Park Rapids. It's always a nice
getaway, just a few hours north so not time for too many "are we there yets". It was a relaxing weekend just hanging around, doing a little Main Street/antique shopping, being outside and hanging out at
the 'little red bridge'. It's a funny thing, that--considering there is NO little red bridge to speak of at this little river overpass but I guess there was at one point and therefore it will always be known as that. It's such a cute small-town thing!
All last week we were getting up every morning to an alarm to trudge on into VBS. (or Vacation Bible School, for those of you who have no clue what those letters stand for...I sure didn't before I started going to church!) I shouldn't say trudge, because once we got there we had fun, but it is hard to start your summer vacation to an alarm! Both Vivian and I were helping out this time, and Sullivan was just attending. I was so proud of Viv, she and her friend basically taught art to the preschool class all by their little lonesomes. It's really weird when your kid starts doing things that you don't even know about, like emailing the youth director back and forth before this started about supplies, her ideas, etc. I was actually CC's on one of those emails and was like, "Whoa!" My little baby is definitely growing up. I, on the other hand, refuse to. Every year I get placed in whatever skit or play that goes on to start out the day. I wonder why they always think of me...?? It couldn't be because I'm such a natural born HAM, could it??? This year I played the part of an
Opposum, along with Fruit Bat and Iguana. I have to say, it wasn't quite the part that the Diva Starfish was last year, and the script was defintely lacking. Not that the kids notice or care, but hey! I've got to find my motivation! I mean, how can anything compete with my great line last year as Starfish, talking about my fabulous time getting to ride Sea Horse all around the reef? Without a saddle??
We'll be celebrating Summer Solstice this evening at our dear friends The Schacherers, who have a rockin' party every year to enjoy the longest day of the year. Hopefully they will have enough ice for the beer and won't have to hope for hail to keep it cold again. ! How are you spending the longest day of the year?
Last weekend we headed up North to visit Grammy in Park Rapids. It's always a nice
All last week we were getting up every morning to an alarm to trudge on into VBS. (or Vacation Bible School, for those of you who have no clue what those letters stand for...I sure didn't before I started going to church!) I shouldn't say trudge, because once we got there we had fun, but it is hard to start your summer vacation to an alarm! Both Vivian and I were helping out this time, and Sullivan was just attending. I was so proud of Viv, she and her friend basically taught art to the preschool class all by their little lonesomes. It's really weird when your kid starts doing things that you don't even know about, like emailing the youth director back and forth before this started about supplies, her ideas, etc. I was actually CC's on one of those emails and was like, "Whoa!" My little baby is definitely growing up. I, on the other hand, refuse to. Every year I get placed in whatever skit or play that goes on to start out the day. I wonder why they always think of me...?? It couldn't be because I'm such a natural born HAM, could it??? This year I played the part of an
We'll be celebrating Summer Solstice this evening at our dear friends The Schacherers, who have a rockin' party every year to enjoy the longest day of the year. Hopefully they will have enough ice for the beer and won't have to hope for hail to keep it cold again. ! How are you spending the longest day of the year?
Labels: Grammy, Park Rapids, VBS
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