Tortillas and Twats!

So Kim and I headed over to Stephanie's last night, where she was kind enough to invite us over for an amazing dinner of Tortilla Soup and then a meeting of the minds about this podcast thing. Well, true to our form, our minds certainly met, but there was more laughter than there was any work to be done! Oh man. It's amazing to me how we can get going. I laugh so hard I truly think my head is going to pop.

Kim brought up the reminder of After School Specials. If you are a product of the 70's, than you certainly know what I'm talking about. It's funny when you think about it--now experts are trying to draw the children away from the TV, but back in the 70's, man, it was a serious teaching tool!!! We'd come home from school, grab a bowl of ice cream or something, and plop right down to the Brady Bunch, or some After School Special. I can remember watching them, but I'll be darned if I can remember what they were about. Kim talked about a short movie she saw in school called "Cipher in the Snow". I guess this was actually a film that was shown in her grade school. The only movie I remember being shown in school at that age were those 'coming of age' movies--where the girls went in one room to watch a movie about our periods and the boys went off into another to watch a movie about...wha?! It's still a mystery! (if there are any boys out there that actually read this, please comment and tell me just WHAT the heck YOUR movie was about!) Maybe wet dreams?! Ha! Anyway, this 'Cipher' movie sounds pretty darn dark and depressing--a story of a kid who was basically a nobody at school, who other kids made fun of, and because of his loneliness he just collapsed in a snow bank one day and died. Huh. Pass the popcorn! Brought to you, by Brigham Young University, school o' Mormons. ! Of course movies like these are supposed to promote empathy from young kids, but in Kim's case she said all it did was make kids call other unfortunately dopey kids a 'cipher' when they passed them in the hallways. Nice.
Of course it didn't take us long to run with the dark humor, ourselves. I actually have no recollection of how it got to this lowly point, but before I knew it we were weak with laughter over our new title of the film, "Twat in the Snow". ! (somehow, though, I don't think that film will be made by the Mormons) What that had to do with a lonely child, I have no clue. Just our weird sense of humor with a few glasses of wine and one topic spilling into another. (yes, we were talking about twats, but saying that offensive (but oh so funny!) word is as far as I'll go on that'll have to tune into our upcoming Podcast to hear more of that...tee hee!
I am paying for the fun today. Puffy-eyed and oh so sleepy! But it was well worth it, let me tell you!
At 2:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cipher! Just kidding. I'm laughing again...
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