A Moment of Silence, Please...

...as we remember someone very special. Nipsy Russell has passed away, I'm sorry to report. Honestly, I don't remember much about the guy, only thinking he was very funny and peculiar as he sat next to Charles Nelson Riley and Phyllis Diller on "The Match Game" in the early 70's. I'm sure it was the beginning of my love for gay men, right then and there. At one dull point in my life I had the bright idea of making t-shirts. Oh, I wasn't REALLY going to go into the silkscreening biz, but I had some ideas that amused myself. Besides the "My Grandpa Got a Colostomy Bag and All I Got Was This Lousy t-shirt!" idea, I remember also coming up with, "Whatever Happened to Nipsey Russell?" Well, now I know...
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