I'll Bake My Own Cake, Thank You!!!

Is anyone else completely creeped out by this guy?! Every time I see this commercial I get the shivers. If I came home to this guy in my kitchen baking a cake, I would run out the door and never look back. EEEEU! I mean, I can certainly see the allure of a man wiping up his own mess (forget about the damn cake!) but this guy just makes it look dirty! (in a baaad way.) And did you notice that bulge??? It's like he needed to hide his rolling pin and shoved it down his pants. Ug. Whatever happened to the old Jack Pine Savage mustached Brawny Man, anyway? He certainly was not my type, but next to this current creepster, I'd much rather have him wiping my counters.
At 8:17 AM,
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