For the Love of a Whoopee Cushion
One of the great things about having a little boy is that you can partake in potty humor and blame it all on him. Today, at the grocery store, I stopped near an area where they have some toys. Of course Sullivan decided he wanted to get out of the cart to look at them. I was busy looking at hippie crackers, you know, those cardboard shingles that are supposed to be so good for you. All of a sudden I hear the biggest "FRRRAAAPPP" sound you ever did hear. Alarmed, I looked over at Sullivan, thinking for sure I would have to make a mad dash to the bathroom with him--there he was on the floor, sitting atop a self-inflating Whoopee Cushion! It was hilarious! A stock-guy who was close by seemed to notice but was not as amused, which of course made me laugh even harder. I decided Sullivan must have the cushion, and he proceeded to sit on it (Fonzie! Sit on It!) throughout the entire store. The kicker was when we got in line, he approached a foreign man in front of us and said, "Look! I'm making a toot!" The guy just looked at him, nodding and smiling. I was laughing so hard I was crying, I could barely hold it together in the grocery store. Who needs the gym? That was great exercise! My Mom once asked me, "Why do we think farts are so funny?" Good question. Actually though, I've always been amazed at how anyone could NOT think they are funny. I guess considering the mother I grew up with, it only makes sense. I mean, she was one big Whoopee Cushion!
At 1:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
What's not to love about anal vapor?
At 6:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh yes, faaaaahts are real thigh-slappers. Mrs. Head grades me on mine. I nod my approval when she lets a particularly loud and sulphurous one go. If you're too stuffy (no pun intended) to see the humor value in a good fart, then you're taking life waaaaay to seriously.
At 7:10 AM,
Suz said…
At 12:23 PM,
Cuz said…
So so cute!! Sullivan seems to take after his mom in this area!! HA!!!!!!
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