Vacationing in Orlando
Let me just say that my husband is the BEST. He lets me have my cake and eat it, too. Okay, maybe not EAT the cake, but I am allowed to drool at it as I gaze lovingly at it’s splendid glory, slowly revolving ‘round in it’s gilded display case. You know of whom I speak. The lovely Orlando Bloom. I know, I know, but remember when I said I refuse to act my age?? Me and a plethora of other 13 year olds think he’s just The Bomb. (is that term still cool, or am I dating myself again?!)
This is really embarrassing, but in all my spare time I just happened upon an Orlando site that has some pretty nice photos. Orlando website I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m not in it for the articles, just the photos. Oh, and of course while I was there I just happened to take the Lord of the Rings Dating Quiz, to see which character I would be most compatible with. Alas, it was not Legolas, but Aragorn. Oh well, better than Gimli, I suppose. But in a Pirates of the Carribean quiz, I was indeed Will Turner. (Orlando’s character, for anyone who has not seen the film) I wonder though, would I really want to BE Orlando? I don’t know. I kinda like being a girl. But anyway, that site is CLEARLY only for the photos for me. And I’ve only been there once. Okay, maybe twice, to check on the quizzes again.
I do so enjoy vacationing in Orlando—but, when all is said and done, there’s no place like home.
This is really embarrassing, but in all my spare time I just happened upon an Orlando site that has some pretty nice photos. Orlando website I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m not in it for the articles, just the photos. Oh, and of course while I was there I just happened to take the Lord of the Rings Dating Quiz, to see which character I would be most compatible with. Alas, it was not Legolas, but Aragorn. Oh well, better than Gimli, I suppose. But in a Pirates of the Carribean quiz, I was indeed Will Turner. (Orlando’s character, for anyone who has not seen the film) I wonder though, would I really want to BE Orlando? I don’t know. I kinda like being a girl. But anyway, that site is CLEARLY only for the photos for me. And I’ve only been there once. Okay, maybe twice, to check on the quizzes again.
I do so enjoy vacationing in Orlando—but, when all is said and done, there’s no place like home.
At 4:57 PM,
Cuz said…
I didn't know who Orlando Bloom was, so I looked him up!!! Oh, my gosh, he's a DOLL!!!!!! You go girl!!!!! I'm fixing to leave office. Hope you and family have a wonderful weekend!!! Love you, Cuz
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