Why not?!
My husband recently started a blog and I thought, hey, that might be kind of fun. Of course that KillJoy voice tried to get her two cents in, muttering in my ear, " Why should you? Nobody cares about what you have to say, your life is BORING..." My answer to her was, "Why not?!" If nothing else, I like to hear myself talk. :-) And I suppose there have been more boring lives out there. As a Mommy of 2 great kids who has been married almost 12 years to one great guy, who has a rock and roll past in Hollywood California, has owned a coffee shop in Missoula Montana, has written a script (just for the sake of writing) and is (slowly but surely) working on an idea for a children's book, makes glitter glam jewerly, has a blue belt in Tae Kwon Do, loves all things Tolkien, and has recently reunited with her old guitarist who lives in Sweden and is working on recording a 'melodic metal' CD together, I suppose maybe I do have something interesting to say. :-)
As of today, life feels good. It's a beautiful partly cloudy supposed to get up to 70 day, and I'm taking my son Sullivan to the zoo. I got to sleep in until 7:00--pretty good with a 4 year old--and I've had my beloved coffee. So I'm ready to go. The only thing that is missing is my daily morning chat with Lori, my guitar player. I start almost every day bantering back and forth with her on Yahoo chat, and quite frankly, I feel a little lost if she's not around. What did I do without her for (gulp) 16 years?! God, am I really that old?! Only in years! I refuse to act my age!
Off I go to become one with the wild animals. And then I'll go to the zoo...:-)
As of today, life feels good. It's a beautiful partly cloudy supposed to get up to 70 day, and I'm taking my son Sullivan to the zoo. I got to sleep in until 7:00--pretty good with a 4 year old--and I've had my beloved coffee. So I'm ready to go. The only thing that is missing is my daily morning chat with Lori, my guitar player. I start almost every day bantering back and forth with her on Yahoo chat, and quite frankly, I feel a little lost if she's not around. What did I do without her for (gulp) 16 years?! God, am I really that old?! Only in years! I refuse to act my age!
Off I go to become one with the wild animals. And then I'll go to the zoo...:-)
At 4:19 PM,
Cuz said…
Suz, This is so exciting!!! Of course you have a lot of interestings things we all would love to here!!!
Love you, Cuz
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