Harry Potter and the Students in the Dungeon
No, Ms. Rowling has not come out with a secret book that only I know about. (but wouldn't that be cool?!) Thursday night is the Peter Hobart Imagination Inventor's Fair, of which my daughter Vivian is involved. She and 2 other friends, Emily and Nathan, decided--with the kind offerings of Nathan's dad--to write and film their own Harry Potter scene, complete with special effects, and then (here comes the science fair part) explain how they did their effects. Yet another cool thing about being a parent, you get to be involved in projects like this. I mean, how cool is that to get to make your own little film, complete with green screen? When I heard green screen, I got all excited. I joked around to Carter (Nathan's dad) that maybe we could do Lord of the Rings, and I could be Eowyn? (and it mostly was a joke) We haven't seen the final project yet, but I'm sure it will be great.
We do have a movie poster that my husband Cory mocked up, it is amazing! But how can it be anything but? My husband is quite talented. Check out his website! He also has a blog , btw. It says some stuff about me, so it's gotta be good. :-)
So! I'm looking forward to the Imagination Fair. I'm sure there will be another ubiquitous exploding volcano again this year.
We do have a movie poster that my husband Cory mocked up, it is amazing! But how can it be anything but? My husband is quite talented. Check out his website! He also has a blog , btw. It says some stuff about me, so it's gotta be good. :-)
So! I'm looking forward to the Imagination Fair. I'm sure there will be another ubiquitous exploding volcano again this year.
At 8:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know about you, but anyone who can spell ubiquitous gets kudo's in my book...
At 8:47 AM,
Suz said…
Hey Lewis! It's nice to see a stranger read my post...and thanks for the tip. My suggestion, however, is that maybe you should be sleeping at 1 AM instead if it's hard for you to read big words. And, with all due respect, refrain is spelled wrong.
At 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Get 'em, Suzinator! I think the operative word for Lewis is "refrain." In fact, it's a good word for the self-appointed usage police to keep in mind when they are tempted to offer unsolicited advice.
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