Metal Lost and Found
Yet another morning where I am feeling a bit lost...I am lamenting the absence of my guitar player Lori, who will not be able to chat with me on Yahoo for quite a few days. I'm sure she is not lamenting, however...she is flying from her home town of Vaxjo, Sweden to Holland to be a real Rock Star and film a video! She's been doing a side project for a guy named Arjen Lucassen, a guitar player/song writer, pretty-much-does-everything guy who is pretty big over in Europe. A real nice guy, too, which is always a big plus in this business of music. The guy has to be pretty cool to ask another guitar player to play on his project! But how could he resist Lori? She really is amazing, and I feel so honored to be working with her. So of course I'm very happy for her that she is having this opportunity, but who am I going to whine to every morning? I guess in the meantime, you guys are stuck with me.
This summer will mark a year since we first got in contact again. The story of the re-forming of Warbride (see link on right) is pretty amazing, in my humble opinion. One day I was feeling reminiscent, and decided to Google 'Warbride' just to see if there was anything out there written about my old band. Lo and behold, there was--a, to be exact, complete with old photos of me! Aaaak! Check out the hair!(on the main photo, I'm the one in the center) We had so much Rockua-Net in our hair, if anyone had lit a match near us we would have been goners! Needless to say, I was a bit surprised to see all of this on the web, and when I noticed the source of the page, I was even more surprised to see that it was Lori!
I was a bit nervous to contact her, as we did not leave each other on very good terms. You know, the usual catty crap that goes on between girls in the competitive world of Rock and Roll. For me, all of that was water--or Strawberry Boone's Farm wine--under the bridge, and I truly wanted to reconnect with her and find out how she was doing. After all, we were extremely close at one point. Luckily she felt the same way and we both fell right back into our old camaraderie again. I had noticed on her site that she was looking to put together a new Warbride, but honestly I did not even consider anything like that--I just wanted to say hello. Upon leaving the music business back in the early 90's, completely disgusted, I was done. To make a very long story short however, before I knew it, I had agreed to sing in a project that also included our old keyboardist Velia and a drummer named Sandy that was in the band before I was. ( I know, the many Spinal Tap!) To make another long story short as of now it looks like it will only be Lori and I, the "Dynamic Duo", we call ourselves, but we shall see. It is always evolving.
With Lori in Sweden, this is strictly a recording project, with no plans of playing live. It's all done over the internet. Lori and I work on songs, she lays down the basic tracks, sends them on to me, and I record the vocals in Jack Pine Savage Studios. (the name we have given our sound booth set-up in Cory's photo studio!) It's been a blast! We are hoping to release a CD by the end of the summer, we shall see how it all plans out. The fun part is we are in control, and the only deadlines we have are the ones we put on ourselves. I'll keep you posted when you can run right out to your local computer and purchase that CD--or download it. :-)
When this first came up, even though Cory was extremely supportive of the whole thing, he said to me, "But you don't really listen to metal anymore!" I realized that back in the day, whatever band I was in and whatever music I sang was My Identity. Now I have nothing to prove, it's all just fun. And it is great fun! I can't tell you how satisfying it is to write songs again, laugh with Lori, and dress in slutty rock and roll clothes for band photos. :-) And since this whole thing began, metal has once again been rearing it's banging head around this house. I've always liked all sorts of music, and never really lost my taste for Metallica...but now it's being played a lot more and the kids are starting to request it. It's pretty funny to hear four year old Sullivan ask to hear Rob Zombie. (I know, not TECHNICALLY metal, but you get the idea!) There I am driving my minivan around with my children banging their heads in the back seat. You gotta love that.
So, Metal that was once lost has now been found. And I have to say, it's been an unexpected treasure.
This summer will mark a year since we first got in contact again. The story of the re-forming of Warbride (see link on right) is pretty amazing, in my humble opinion. One day I was feeling reminiscent, and decided to Google 'Warbride' just to see if there was anything out there written about my old band. Lo and behold, there was--a, to be exact, complete with old photos of me! Aaaak! Check out the hair!(on the main photo, I'm the one in the center) We had so much Rockua-Net in our hair, if anyone had lit a match near us we would have been goners! Needless to say, I was a bit surprised to see all of this on the web, and when I noticed the source of the page, I was even more surprised to see that it was Lori!
I was a bit nervous to contact her, as we did not leave each other on very good terms. You know, the usual catty crap that goes on between girls in the competitive world of Rock and Roll. For me, all of that was water--or Strawberry Boone's Farm wine--under the bridge, and I truly wanted to reconnect with her and find out how she was doing. After all, we were extremely close at one point. Luckily she felt the same way and we both fell right back into our old camaraderie again. I had noticed on her site that she was looking to put together a new Warbride, but honestly I did not even consider anything like that--I just wanted to say hello. Upon leaving the music business back in the early 90's, completely disgusted, I was done. To make a very long story short however, before I knew it, I had agreed to sing in a project that also included our old keyboardist Velia and a drummer named Sandy that was in the band before I was. ( I know, the many Spinal Tap!) To make another long story short as of now it looks like it will only be Lori and I, the "Dynamic Duo", we call ourselves, but we shall see. It is always evolving.
With Lori in Sweden, this is strictly a recording project, with no plans of playing live. It's all done over the internet. Lori and I work on songs, she lays down the basic tracks, sends them on to me, and I record the vocals in Jack Pine Savage Studios. (the name we have given our sound booth set-up in Cory's photo studio!) It's been a blast! We are hoping to release a CD by the end of the summer, we shall see how it all plans out. The fun part is we are in control, and the only deadlines we have are the ones we put on ourselves. I'll keep you posted when you can run right out to your local computer and purchase that CD--or download it. :-)
When this first came up, even though Cory was extremely supportive of the whole thing, he said to me, "But you don't really listen to metal anymore!" I realized that back in the day, whatever band I was in and whatever music I sang was My Identity. Now I have nothing to prove, it's all just fun. And it is great fun! I can't tell you how satisfying it is to write songs again, laugh with Lori, and dress in slutty rock and roll clothes for band photos. :-) And since this whole thing began, metal has once again been rearing it's banging head around this house. I've always liked all sorts of music, and never really lost my taste for Metallica...but now it's being played a lot more and the kids are starting to request it. It's pretty funny to hear four year old Sullivan ask to hear Rob Zombie. (I know, not TECHNICALLY metal, but you get the idea!) There I am driving my minivan around with my children banging their heads in the back seat. You gotta love that.
So, Metal that was once lost has now been found. And I have to say, it's been an unexpected treasure.
At 7:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Cuuuuuute! You are such a sweetie! Metaaaaaaalll! \m/
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