Hello, Associated Press!
A loud and resounding shout out to the Associated Press, who I found out actually read my blog. tee hee. Char from Fallon called me yesterday informing me that poor Neel Lattimore was called and questioned by them, asking about his commercial shoot in front of the Whitehouse, and was that about Hillary Clinton?? Eeeek! I guess it makes sense, with her campaigning people are going to be looking for anything. I feel badly that Neel was questioned because of it, but I do love the fact that the AP has read the Metal Mommy Diary. Maybe they need a Metal Mommy to do some writing for them? Daily gripes and blessings of parenting and suburban life, my oh-so-important view of this crazy world, Metal. Now that's interesting news. :-)
And speaking of surburban life, I must rave once again about
Byerlys. I know you guys are probably sick of me going on about a grocery store, but you know--it's the simple things. As I was paying at check out, my oh-so-nuritional head of iceberg lettuce rolled onto the floor. The cashier could not be more apologetic that this happened, and vocalized how thankful she was to me that I just waved a hand at her apologies. Does a head of lettuce bruise?! I'm not too worried. But that's just the way those folks roll there at Byerlys. Then I drove up to have the groceries put into my car. As much as I love this feature, I always feel a bit funny about it...especially when it's "-4 feels like -16" frigid degrees out there. Here I am sitting in my warm car, and this guy with what's exposed of his frozen red face sticking out of the small hole in his hat/scarf combo is telling me he's not going to open my hatch until my groceries have shown up on the belt, so as not to let the cold air in. I'm tellin' ya people, that place may be a little more expensive than your average grocery store, but they make a little suburban Metal Mommy like me feel like a rock star. And when you are getting milk for the umpteenth time at 8:30 AM and not feeling so glamorous, that is a wonderful thing.
And speaking of surburban life, I must rave once again about

Labels: Associated Press, Byerlys, Fallon, Neel Lattimore
At 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Suz!!!
We can be Rock Stars in our own lives!!!!
I LOVE that Byerlys!! It really is a great grocery store.
When my relatives visit from San Diego and Chicago they love to go to Byerlys. Far as I'm concerned it's a tourist attraction!!! :)
At 4:34 PM,
Suz said…
Donna, we ARE rock stars. ;-)
You are so right, when people come to visit me they also ask to go to Byerlys!!!
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