Colder Than a Witch's You Know What!

I have had 4 Silpada parties in the past 6 days--whew! It's been busy, and fun. I do love my job. Where else could a girl make ridiculously easy money, small talk it to death, laugh and giggle with both friends and new women she meets, and try on fabulous jewels?? I often wonder why everyone doesn't want to do this. I guess there ARE people out there who cringe at the very thought of every one of those points...well, except making easy money of course. Hard to believe.
I'm already itching for spring and the retailers know it. Why else would they be selling short sleeved shirts, shorts and sandals when it's -13 outside with no hope for a decent thaw for at least 2-3 months??? They suckered me right into Banana Republic to buy a fabulous lavender oh-so-spring-like

Nothing says home and comfort like macaroni and cheese. I have nothing against the Kraft kind, mind you, I've been known to eat some in a pinch....but I'm talking about the REAL stuff--which honestly with the Velveeta cheese I use isn't much more un-processed than the processed kind, for sure...but I was feeling a bit adventurous and did add my own flair by making the sauce half Velveeta/ half Havarti. Another paradox!!! I do believe I made myself some Metal Macaroni and Cheese! nice. I just whipped up a little roux with butter and flour, then added the milk, cubed Velveeta and cubed Havarti. That's it my friends, very easy, very creamy and will totally give you that satisfying lump in your stomach. Just remember to eat your apricots. (and Steph, aren't you proud of me and my roux???)

Unfortunately since my braving the arctic elements really only consists of dashing in and out of a heated car, store or home, I won't be getting out and working OFF that Metal Mac and Cheese any time soon. Just storing a little extra for the winter, I guess--and I'll need it, didn't Punxsutawney say we're getting some extra? Dang.
Labels: Banana Republic, DSW, Kraft, Punxsutawney Phil, Silpada, Stephanie
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