Goodbye, Heath...
I wonder how many blog posts are featuring Heath Ledger right about now? Well, here is yet another one--at a time like this who cares about originality?! It's so's not like I ever even met the guy but for some reason the news of his death totally depressed me and I feel like I've lost an old friend.
I'm sure most people think about him as the 'gay cowboy' in Brokeback Mountain...understandably, that was quite a role and he pulled it off flawlessly. Whenever I hear his name, however, A Knight's Tale is brought to my mind--a movie that came out in 2001. I don't think it did very well in the box office, but slowly became sort of an underground classic. It's a great love story melding medieval knights and jousting (yes!) with current fashion and music--totally cool! Very romantic, funny, and Heath Ledger is downright adorable in it. (heck, the movie has a character that is supposed to be the great classic author Geoffrey can you go wrong with that?!) I have to say it's one of my faves, one that I often will pull down and watch when I'm in the mood for lighthearted fun. Now I will always watch it with a bit of melancholy for old Heath. :-(
It's so odd...why do we care so much to lose someone we don't even know?? Just because he is a celebrity? Although I will admit, the news of young actor Brad Renfro passing just last week did not hit me hard. There was something really cool about Mr. Ledger, something that I think any of us who feel sad about his passing must just know somehow. He seemed more down-to-earth than most, seemed to have his head on straight (I could make a Brokeback joke here, but I should probably keep this post to it's serious tone..) obviously full of promise. I'm sure when anyone young and promising dies unexpectedly it's another cold splash of reality hitting us all in the face...if Beautiful Talented Celebrities aren't immune to old Grim Reaper, than we most certainly are not. shiver.
And so it goes. RIP, Heath! A quote from Prince Edward to William, Heath Ledger's character in A Knight's Tale: "Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough."

It's so odd...why do we care so much to lose someone we don't even know?? Just because he is a celebrity? Although I will admit, the news of young actor Brad Renfro passing just last week did not hit me hard. There was something really cool about Mr. Ledger, something that I think any of us who feel sad about his passing must just know somehow. He seemed more down-to-earth than most, seemed to have his head on straight (I could make a Brokeback joke here, but I should probably keep this post to it's serious tone..) obviously full of promise. I'm sure when anyone young and promising dies unexpectedly it's another cold splash of reality hitting us all in the face...if Beautiful Talented Celebrities aren't immune to old Grim Reaper, than we most certainly are not. shiver.
And so it goes. RIP, Heath! A quote from Prince Edward to William, Heath Ledger's character in A Knight's Tale: "Your men love you. If I knew nothing else about you, that would be enough."
Labels: A Knight's Take, Brokeback Mountain, Geoffrey Chaucer, Heath Ledger
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